Alan, that's great news from the Gawker HQ, and I didn't even email them! Thanks for pointing me to the VIP feed. I never used that feed. Maybe I didn't see that post when it was published.
Alan, that's great news from the Gawker HQ, and I didn't even email them! Thanks for pointing me to the VIP feed. I never used that feed. Maybe I didn't see that post when it was published.
There's one thing better than getting and using Belkin WeMo family of products: Living in a high-tech house, maybe a few years from now, when all light switches and AC outlets have the same high-tech abilities built in!
Alan, I tried to use FeedEnlarger on Digital Inspiration Technology blog (aka I get…. If you take a look at it, you can see the full content. But Feedly can't seem to see any text. Any idea what's going on?
I look for passengers on my rides.
Alan, I tried to use FeedEnlarger on Digital Inspiration Technology blog (aka I get…. If you take a look at it, you can see the full content. But Feedly can't seem to see any text. Any idea what's going on?
Andy, I clicked through to the Outlook blog and found another interesting post. users can now instant-message with Gmail users!…. Now, I wonder how a Gmail user can initiate a chat session with an user.
eneroavellana, Ah! A racing bike explains your speed. On my 17km/h trip, I was using a mountain bike (with front shocks).
Chicken, My doctors tell me that there's no medication yet for memory. Not sure if you were joking about "memory pills".
Alan, Feedenlarger'ed RSS feeds seems to be working just fine. Thanks again.
fatherofdragons, I like your reasoning and your suggestion. May I add a tweak to your suggestion? Rather than using different colored pens, how about using one pen and writing a letter or symbol for each pill you take?
eneroavellana, thanks for reply. So your biking at 21 km/h on weekdays and 36 km/h on Sundays. Weekday speed is already quick, but your Sunday speed is really fast! About a day ago, I biked 12.2 km in 43 minutes, or 17 km/h. It was an uphill bike ride. The return trip was much faster!
Not-cooked-to-a-crisp, dark-pinkish, soft-and-chewy bacon makes me happy.
I enjoyed biking to school and biking to work. How long in distance and in time is it for you?
Whitson, or other eBay sellers,
Dear LifeHacker,
I got Carrot for free. I'll wait until Carrot Alarm is free, too.