Frederick Douglass

Roger Guenveur Smith would have been perfect

Thought the same thing about Cuba. It's really glaring and that scene brought more focus on that.

People really discredits the jury like they couldn't possibly be objective enough to make a very educated decision

Thank you. Felt the same way.

His mannerisms are spot on. He's bailing Shapiro

Thank you

He didn't kill anyone though

Do we forget the masterpiece Murphy did in Nip/Tuck? So underrated. I knew because of that series, this would be good.

These pouts from the people who'll be watching again next week is hilarious.

LMAO Hater in the house!

Yep. If you do research, there's a ton of evidence that make you doubt his guilt.

Yes. Like the obvious, getting in a fight to the death with a young blackbelt and have no bruises or significant injuries.

Excellent so far. Some inconsistencies but great tv. I like how they're playing it down the middle and it shows evidence for his guilt, and innocence.

Spencer did make a compelling point. If Wentworth goes to the final, I think she has a great shot at winning. She played a good game, and she had a lot of allies in the jury. Jeremy I believe played the best game. He kinda hid himself from controversy, while making power moves. Even in the end, he was willing to

Maybe he's doing that on purpose. Being a physical threat puts a target on you. He already looks like one. Winning challenges all the time just puts a target on you like we see with Joe.

Standing ovation Damon for this write up. I attended a PWI, and think it's freaking dumb to argue that one side is better or worst than the other. Your path is YOUR PATH. Trying to discredit someone because of that is dumb. If anything, we need to encourage one another. Both types of secondary institutions are

Wow, C+? Did the big studios put you up to this???

Haha this is great.


Nah. Unlike you, I have a living female human to fuck me.