
You basically said everything I said you just elaborated more on it.

There you go assuming again. This is the internet. Why on earth would I be upset? lol

How could you hit a nerve when I dont participate in reenactments? I think its boring and I like to bathe daily especially when I sweat. More failed assumptions from you. And no it is not a very expensive hobby. Can it be? Most hobbies can be. But it is FAR from necessary to be a Civil War reenactor. Where do you come

They also funded a terrorist known as Rodney Coronado. PETA is a NFP so their tax records are public. They gave about 50k to Rodney and 25k to his parents.

PETA is a despicable organization. Who support terrorists like Randy Coronado. And groups like animal liberation front. And a bunch of hypocrites. "Dont test drug on animals. "But hey, we sure will use life saving drugs that were tested on animals."

Except it isnt the registered AKC breeders that are causing the problems. Its mainly lower middle class and those in poverty who are creating the problem. Show me the last AKC registered stray or purebred that wasnt a stray only because the dog ran away from home. Dont punish everyone.

Oh, an article by Anna Breslaw who doesnt know any more about civil war reenacting than you do? And what I stated was fact. You DONT know jack shit about Civil War reenacting. Clearly all you know about it is what Amy Breslaw told you, if the extent of your knowledge is from her than you really shouldnt act like you

They are upset that more women arent being able to participate as soldiers. In my mothers particular outfit there are more than enough women for their reenactment except for women as soldiers. None in their group wants to participate in that capacity. Apparently some groups have more than enough women who want to

First of all, you..... no no no I wont stoop to your level and call you names. that would look poorly on my intelligence like it does yours.
I am not a reenactor. Seems dreadfully boring to me plus I like to bathe daily especially when I sweat. I am going off of the experience of my mother and her friends who has been

I have thought Dr. Who was dreadful from the very first episode many years ago on. Bring on some women directors. Maybe I will watch it.

You dont know jack shit about what you are talking about. And thats a fact.

"Affluent"? You sure do have things mixed up. Who told you they are all "Affluent"? Many if not most of them are middle class at best. They scrimp and save to get their uniforms, often times having them made by women in their reenactment group. Sometimes borrowing from old timers in the group until they can afford


I agree with you for the most part. But when it comes to the Civil War some try to be as accurate as possible. There were very few women who actually were disguised as soldiers. Not all units had a woman. There were over 2 million men who fought in the Civil War. There was an estimate of around 400 women. The average

Perhaps they are doing it for themselves. Perhaps, like a couple of Jewish girls on here stated, they didnt like how their noses fit their face. There could be no underlying deep seeded social issue forcing their hands. And maybe, just maybe, they dont care about looking white in any way shape form or fashion. And

Thank you, thank you, thank you. Its enough with these stupid and shameful sensational blog posts.

So what? Since when is it any of our business if a grown consenting adult wants plastic surgery? And since when is it any of our business as to the reasons why? Mind your own goddamn business. Jezebel sure has been pretty judgmental against grown women making choices of their own free will as of late. Just recently

The "realistic" Barbie has a far more appealing figure.
