
I used to work in another,( non LEO), public safety agency in Waycross and later for the county there and we all were on scenes together daily. They city back then had a chief that was a real hard as$ on his officers, they were constantly training on use of force and deescalation , ( back before the phrase was a big

Arm circles are a great way to avoid shoulder problems as you age too. A lot of people barely into their 30s have poor shoulder mobility and the numbers grow with age. A few min of circles does wonders for shoulder mobility which is key for safe lifting, ( lift with your legs not your back but everything you lift

Razer Naga gaming mouse, love the feel of the buttons. They give just enough tactile feel in the click that it registers but isn’t loud or in the way. 

By not going and beating Becky like a drum she cut out about a billion naysayers that would have ended up saying the lady recording had done something first and was , “belligerent” or some such.

What I really want to know is who really follows / watches them? I hadn’t heard of the before the other day and went and checked out some of their stuff. It was just so fake and cringe inducing. Anybody that took them as genuine before this really needs close supervision. 

Used to do a version of this where hearts were burpies , diamonds were diamond pushups , clubs were lunges and spades were V-up sit ups. Face cards were considered 10 and the ace was considered a 20, all others at face value. It worked great on ship or when things got busy. I knew one guy that did what he called

I have seen a washing machine used to clean a huge bunch of mustard greens for a family reunion event. If you’ve ever washed greens fresh from the field you know this is a chore and a half,( if you haven’t imagine basically hand washing every leaf of lettuce in a washing machine sized container). A cousin said he

It looked like a at least a 1000 to me, I’d have guessed maybe 1500-1600 if you counted the flow through. The entire neighborhood looked like the area around one of those fair days that some places hold and block of a few streets for vendors and such. Their were a LOT of people there, way more traffic in a day than

Their is no way that any local LE agency needs to do a no knock warrant or raid. You can convince me that maybe the FBI might, just might need to. For local stuff either you’ve got the evidence or you don’t. No knock warrants or raids should be for immediate national security stuff, not locals looking for a drug thug.

If it only took a week to fire the one deputy then really it was lightning fast. In most cases they get a review hearing from the HR board because the department doesn’t want a wrongful termination lawsuit to pay for. I can guarantee that the DA was called to make sure they had a charge to press against the now former

I’d actually say that not having the cognitive horsepower anymore to check the manual on their new car to deal with the problem would be a far better indicator of a need for restricted or removed driver’s licences. I’m all for increased surveillance of the elderly when it comes to driving though.

Last I checked only 2 states have increased requirements for renewal after a certain age point, for both it was just a vision test as I recall. Statistically older drivers are safer than those under 25. My personal belief is that its because they drive so slow that everyone else can avoid them. It’s only when

Living in the area I can tell you the reason they weren’t arrested. If you are with LEO in any way you are in their club and they go to stupid lengths to cover . A cop named Sasser killed his wife in a murder suicide last year that should have been prevented. His ex wife had called 911 for help about him showing up at

I doubt many will see my post but thought you might pass along. Their are these little disposable 5 oz snack cups in 50 packs and 2 oz as well,( sometimes its Solo brand others its the GV one. They fit in most stack able meal containers like the ones in the picture above and come with little lids,( Walmart also has

Ate these all the time growing up. You forgot one of the best ways to do them though. Simmer them with bacon and a couple of peppers, ( granny used jalapeno or banana peppers) and salt. Truly this is best done with dry beans you’ve soaked for a while but canned will do, just go easy on the salt.

The old boot camp method works reasonably well but needs to be reapplied regularly , ( at least every other day). Use shaving cream , ( not gel, think Barbasol). Rub the cream on the lenses into a thin film and let it dry. Take a clean cloth and polish it gently like waxing a car. You will get a little fogging but not

I have never been able to understand the infatuation with big cruise lines some people have. You can drink at home way cheaper. You can eat buffet at home or order out way cheaper. Everything you can do on a cruise you can do at home way cheaper. The only thing you cant do at home way cheaper is being on a moving ship

I see what you did there

My kids aunts, uncles and cousins on their mom’s side are all pretty close and live in the same town & for the most part in walking distance of each other). We all work in healthcare or in “ essential” jobs. Considering work schedules we had to pivot early to our summer plan where an adult that is off will mind the

A crossover or small SUV with a tow package and a small trailer is far more useful than a micro pickup ever will be.