
Won't work. They will return it and give you the value you paid ($40) and then charge you the extra $20 for Far Cry 4. Good try though.

Won't work. They will return it and give you the value you paid ($40) and then charge you the extra $20 for Far Cry

You get your $50 back?

Yup so I just bought the Assassins Creed bundle. So thanks to this post you got me to buy Fire Tv Stick and another X1. haha

It is discounted. $50 off all bundles including the Sunset Overdrive Bundle.

Ya that sucks big time man. Do what I did when I was younger and call the ISP and pretend to be your dad. Bump that connection up! I maxed out our connection and once my parents realized they couldn't change it because they had gotten used to the speed haha.

Network is rock solid. Never have issues with either.

Network is rock solid. Never have issues with either.

Still doesn't compare to Seattle area for tech development. I wish Seattle would pump some money into a good fiber network. Too busy building bike lanes though.

Infrastructure issues. The US is crumbling. We invest in other countries before our own. Our basic services like water, sewer, roads and electricity are beyond repair in 9 out of 10 cities. We are in a world of hurt when it comes to our infrastructure.

Google Fiber is one of the very few fiber providers in the

I hate you! Why Google Fiber came to Utah over Seattle is mind blowing. Seattle is the epicenter of technology and gaming and is in desperate need of fiber internet.

How long did it take to load this website? hahaha

I run a media server with my connection. Friends and family from across the country use it to stream thousands of movies and I can still game online no problem.

That all you have? This is my wifi connection in Seattle.

I live in Seattle and have the best internet comcast offers. I pay $150 a month for my internet, tv and home security. Drop home security and I'm at $100. I get about 60mb down and 10 or 11 up. Not too bad but a far cry from what the rest of the major countries around the world have.

I lived in Montana for 15 years.

My wireless setup provides the exact same bandwidth as my wired network. It is not discoverable by devices unless using a specific application and is very secure. So I don't see why you have sympathy for people like me.

My wireless setup provides the exact same bandwidth as my wired network. It is not discoverable by devices unless

Thanks for the heads up on the Fire TV stick discount. I heard about its release but didn't need it at $40. At $20 I couldn't resist and ordered it. Won't arrive until January though.

It is kind of annoying they would work on this crap but can't even polish GTA5 online. The glitches and bugs are so bad for a game that is a year old. I know this has been blasted to death but seriously what is up with no heists? That doesn't bother me nearly as much as others but they were fun in single player and

I'd LOVE to opt out. I have 24 or 25k in points. I have had the same Live account for 10 years. I don't care about them at all. I play online and with friends. I don't search for achievements and I rarely notice if I ever get them. Just one less thing popping up on my screen if I could turn them off.

I like the look of the actual unit but I cancelled my preorder from Amazon for the bundle unit because of the 720p. I have a 10 foot projector screen and 720p just doesn't cut it. Especially since the games are just blown up vita games. You really are going to need all the pixels you can get.

The player naked is Brandon Sutter. This wasn't intentional at all as Potash does interviews around the locker room all the time. What I don't get is how they didn't catch that because the interview is taped. It is not live but taped about 5 minutes before they show it.

More like too stupid.

When will this come out on Mac? This game looking fucking awesome. Never heard of it until this video and now I need it! haha