
Fucking hallelujah. I worked in the juvenile court for eight years and zero tolerance laws were always a menace. They didn't allow for discretion, they were unproven and yes, the more time you spend in jail, the less likely you are to graduate from high school. Zero tolerance policies did not have any demonstrable

That's not scary. The ghost is obviously friendly. It just wanted to hold the cameraman's hand, and even closed the door when asked! Check your corporeal privilege, Mark.

Either she is so ill she sees these images, or is so ill she lies about seeing them. Poor girl either way.

A lot of these comments sound like they were written by people who A) don't get that people can develop severe mental illnesses including schizophrenia at a young age. And B) really loathe and despise the mentally ill.

Two things about the ice cream video.

The good news is that we works for Hobby Lobby, so this was covered under his health insurance.

This is, like, the perfect example of what "politics" means to Jezebel. Anyways, back to Ukraine!

I find it pretty ridiculous that you're getting piled on like this, especially by this "MarkPaulGossipmore" type that seems to be expressing all this "concern" for how you should be productively spending your time (LOL). It's unfortunate that you felt the need to write these long screeds to explain yourself. You

I promise, no one's family members from that plane are reading this website and crying because a commenter made a joke or because people are mentioning aliens. This is an excuse for people to get on their high horses and judge others without getting shit for it because you feel you're on the right side of something.

Ugh, the excess of the rich.

http://www.sprc.org/sites/sprc.org… I'm just going to place the CDC recommendations for reporting to prevent Suicide Contagion. Please follow these to prevent harm to others! Media outlets have a serious impact on Suicide Contagion. Thanks.

This is very scary to me. I grew up in a VERY intense and VERY abusive home. This is the kind of thing my "guardian" would do to punish me. Sometimes I would be locked in the broom closet, sometimes I would be made to sleep on the patio with cats, and unfortunately sometimes I would be beaten to the point of blood

Thank you. I don't understand why people insist on feeding the MRA trolls. They make the same cliched comments like clockwork and Jezzies all rush to give the same cliched responses like clockwork. Nothing new is said and it's all vaguely embarrassing.

Um, what is with the snark towards woman who embrace domesticity? Two articles in one day. The only thing wrong is expecting all woman to embrace domesticity... making fun of woman who genuinely do isn't helpful.

I am soooo sick of these princesses! First I had a baby girl and had to dodge them on packs of diapers, play sets, clothing, birthday party accessories, and everywhere else. Now they are no longer relegated to the world of little girls either, as grown-ass women seem to obsess over them! I don't get it!

I was typing out a very similar comment before I saw yours. Completely agree! This week we saw the post about the mother/daughter who, rather than take inspiration from Disney princesses, took their photo inspiration from real life women. The next day, Doug Barry, who almost seems like he shouldn't even be posting for

I'm so sick of all these Disney Princess posts. For a blog that complains about their influence, it bombards us with inane updates of their cultural domination on a daily basis.