DCEU - Directors Cut Extended universe
DCEU - Directors Cut Extended universe
Until he gets beaten up while imitating Rorschach and declares 'Rorschach sucks!'
Hooray! The heroes unite to stop an invasion! ….. Even though they did absolutely nothing to stop the OTHER invasion during Suicide Squad!
I assume she means legendary Greek heroes like Hercules & Jason (although that would be awkward seeing how Hercules enslaved her island/all the Amazons and raped her mother)
Gotta love how Lex's company came up with fancy logo's for everyone!
With his shitty Barry Allen "murdered mom" origin
So many belts and shoulder pads!
"Ah Oliver North, he was just poured into that uniform!"
Gotham really has some Doctors with bad names - Dr Strange, Dr Hurt, Dr Sinner - would anyone really trust these guys to treat them?
Condiment King!
Thats ok Joe, no-one knows what WB's current plan is for the DCEU seeing how they still dont have a director for the Flash and the Batman script is getting totally rewritten
Les Cousins Dangereux
I would watch the show more except I cant stand Roger and he seems to be the focus for a large chunk of the episodes!
2008 had both Iron Man & Incredible Hulk
Great, all they need is scripts/directors/actors and we will be all set
Just dont make him like the crappy version from Spider-Man 3 this time!
Figures this would be announced less than a month after I finally managed to get a copy of Ducktales 2 off ebay for a halfway-decent price!
At least we have Wasp who's still around to look forward to
Good, now Thor can get with Lady Sif (who he had much better chemistry with)