The animation by Toei animation is stunning especially the opening scene of Unicron and his Transformation sequence
The animation by Toei animation is stunning especially the opening scene of Unicron and his Transformation sequence
"The Touch" is the pinnacle of 80's-ness
"Oh my god. Wait. You know what?! No! The milk people don't have a patent on simple rhetorical questions! Y-You— There's not even a single word in "Hungry for Apples" that's shared by "Got milk?" It's a completely different slogan. It's different! And I shouldn't be fired. I should be promoted!"
What a story Battlecar Compactica!
"Superman's acting like a d…"
"…ifferent person!"
JLU couldnt use Beetle due to rights issues. From the DCAU wiki (…
Hey just like the original Doctor Who series! NOTHINGS CHANGED!!!!!!
You should watch "Dalek" from when the show came back in 2005, that stopped the stairs jokes forever
Awesome news, I listened to the audio recording on CD years ago and it was a great story (Lestersons breakdown was particularly haunting) cant wait to see the animated version
The CD should include all of Ben Stein's Economics lecture with his Bueller…..Bueller monologue
"Goodfeathers" & "Buttons and Mindy" were the 2 segments I would change the channel when they came on, they really shouldnt have made as many as they did
First time watching the musical number in the movie I expected them to sing "Its Mr Burns!"
And loads of Kubrick movies
Animaniacs did an amazing parody of that called "Hearts of Twilight"
All I know about Albert Schweitzer was that he went made with power (according to Moe Syzlak)
"Ha that Atreides guy must work there or something!"
"Labor Day? That phony-baloney holiday crammed down our throats by fat-cat union gangsters?"
"That's the one."
"Hot damn! A day off!"