I thought the same thing, we just had a marge/lisa episode where they were at odds
I thought the same thing, we just had a marge/lisa episode where they were at odds
"killing off this one-joke hick stereotype wouldn’t be the worst idea ever"
Lets hope none of the gulag prisoners or guards or any of their offspring turn out to be important to the timeline! Also hopefully no-one recorded Martin's talk about how the Soviet economy will fail in 1991 so they can stop it from happening and prolong the cold war!
I always liked him as Jor-El in Superman the Animated series (and later playing an older Superman in Batman Beyond)
Surely Eddie Thawne could have just said "I'm getting a vasectomy tomorrow!" and the same thing would have happened? Surely there was no reason for him to actually kill himself?
Shame at NO point in the battle Superman just stay mid air and said "listen, I need your help or Luthor is going to kill someone" instead he just punches batman through a wall then doesn't even try and explain during the battle (seriously, not even a "please let me explain" or just you know stand there while batman…
Someone please get Superman some Prozac in the sequel!!!
Now if only here in the UK we can finally get rid of the X-Factor & Big Brother!
This is the ending, the ending of the story
The ending
The ending
The ending…..
They are obviously still on the run, did you look for any overweight security guards with butterfly nets running around?
Fun fact, Ron Perlman voiced the devil in that episode years before playing Hellboy
Once this years election is done they should update it from Bill Clinton onwards
What kind of party is this? Belching, nothing to drink, peanut butter sandwiches, CHRISTOPHER WALKEN!
….. Hello
His Freakazoid is one of the most under-rated 90's toons which is a crime!
The Huntsman - the best Charlton Heston inspirid hero ever!
Its time for Freakazoid and friends,
and the insanity never ends!
To patients who chew gum
This show is really DUMB!
Its Freakazoid and friends!
He still does when being written by Morrison
But if Trump becomes president will he deport all the dvds & blu rays of the film back to Mexico?
They should just have Michael Holt AKA Mr Terriffic join the JLA - super smart tech genius and superhero
"and introducing a Batman already in his Frank Miller-crazy old killer phase is really odd"