
Watching Sal try and make the Joker work for him is one of the best bits of the movie

And have buried war machines under our planet that NO-ONE has ever found (even when digging subway tunnels or sewers etc.)

And covered in trees which we continue to make into………… DOORS!!!!!!!!!!!!

And the zoo scene

Well you know hot dogs get a bad rap? They got a cool shape, they got protein.

Lets just pray he never gets to do a live action Legend of Korra!


Was the movie where a guy talks randomly about hot dogs and another speaks to a plastic tree supposed to be taken seriously?

Well when I was six, my father took me on a picnic. That was a gay old time! Ho-ho! I ate my share of wieners that day.

Still disappointed years later that my Casablanca DVD doesn't include this alternate ending!

Does Disney get a share of royalties for older Muppet stuff though?

Stock up on original DVD's/Blu Rays NOW before they "special edition" them!!!!

Cant we have one AVClub article that doesn't end with us digging up a celebrity corpse?

And the award of worst timing for a remake announcement goes to……

As I posted on another article:

I'm sure most fans did the same thing :-)

The stupidest thing about Iris was the whole "I musnt tell her I'm the Flash to keep her safe" when 90% of the other characters found out already and she was STILL getting in trouble with metahumans anyway! She got much better when she finally found out and I've liked her more in season 2 because of it

Well you would miss the scene where Tuvok kills him (which was then revealed to be a hologram!) and when Q Jr. removed his mouth/vocal cords to shut him up

They will probably make the goblins CGI to modernize the muppets! And they will have celebrity voices! I hear George Lopez & Larry the Cable Guy are being considered to play the two door knockers!