
You can only eat an animal for so long. It's the turkey's turn to rule the Earth now. We had our chance and we blew it!

Great episode, when the gang was escaping Mabel land it felt like Coraline (when the "other" world begins changing after the villain is revealed)

What about "Truckasourus: The Movie" starring Marlon Brando?

Should we complain to somebody?
No. I say we just act snooty to Americans forever!
I agree.

Who died and made you El Presidente?
Dad that's Castro!

…… still cold

Look at those idiots! I payed my taxes over a year ago!

Dont forget Renaldo & Clara

And a radio in the coffee pot?

"Wendy and I wrote to each other once a week for the next 8 years, and I was there to meet her when I returned to Gravity Falls with my wife and son, like I said things never turn out exactly the way you planned"

Damn it, I love this show and wish it could run for 7 or 8 seasons like adventure time has.


Agreed, when puppet Yoda is on screen Luke is clearly interacting with something. When CGI Yoda is there you can tell the actor is meerly looking at a holder prop which will then have CGI added in later, which ruins the effect IMO

The racism - Jar Jar/Watto/Trade Federation - seriously Lucas, did you not think that these characters might be considered offensive to people?


Pod-racers are shitty vehicles designed to waste 25 minutes of a movie on bad CGI & close ups of Jake Lloyd in those stupid goggles going "oh no".

I'm a man of few words! ……………. Any questions?


Lenny's voice going HOOOOOOOMMMEERRR always makes me laugh for some reason

…….. NO!