
@Wwhat: Don't you mean spanking-IT?

To think that this kind of action ever stopped during the Reagan years would be severely ignorant. Liberal spin is eating this up claiming the Cold War never ended and that Reagan was a failure. Conservative spin is stating the obvious, that the inflation of this story is simply a distraction to divert attention

@sektor503: Yes, and a LOWER CASE-L phone at that!

@Trai_Dep: You are a certified lunatic. Check your facts again.

Wait... which end goes in the vagina?

@Trai_Dep: You're a demented retard of a whack job if you really believe conservatives had anything to do with the birth of this.

@GitEmSteveDave'sAglet: You get a heart. Barack signed an executive order expanding offshore drilling prior to this disaster. Seems everyone that wags the "Drill Baby Drill" thing in the cleanup discussions is completely ignorant to this fact or suffers from massive failures of their short-term memory.

@Paradise: Nothing relevant, eh? So... douche then. Gotcha. kthxbye

@Paradise: So do you have something relevant to add? Or just obfuscating for the sake of being a douche?

@junyo: lol. They were "not at-fault accidents". The Blazer rear-ended me going over 40 mph and I was stopped. I'd have been dead in a Smart, pinned between it and the car in front of me.

@aec007: Now think of the disaster that would not have occurred if the US government had done it's job to protect our beaches and invested in this FROM THE START (which is what is claimed). Then we wouldn't have had to bill BP for a $20B cleanup, possibly crashing the economy of another EU country, and we would have

@Zachonium: ...and closer to accurate than 40,000/day is. The estimate released was 2.2 million gallons/day.

Why didn't our flippin' government buy these and put them to use months ago?

@JohnTheTree: You are correct about the smart cars being less safe. They're marketed to hold up well in accidents, and video proves this... but the occupants' brains and organs bouncing around in their bodies from changing directions "like a beachball" will more likely kill you than something caving in the structure

@verspasian: My first impression... looks to me like they cut a 5-foot section lengthwise out of a Prius and "glued" it back together.

My only disappointment is that it doesn't have a SSD option. I want to put this in my car for race-day logging and full media center support... but a HDD doesn't fare well in high temps and vibration.

@ThaMofo: Like I said, your sage. So very 1st grade of you. (yawn) You practically begged for the jab. How very ironic that you're the one "feeding the trolls".

Woah, that chick in the video still has a srsly swole-up black eye. At least you know she listens, because it's only one black eye.