
If this is really what you believe then you have no understanding of politics. The statement that conservative politics is only about protecting white rich men is equally as dumb as saying all Democrats support ISIS or some shit like that. It's honestly r/t_d levels of stupidity.

Eh, I'm the definition of casual (like 4 hours a week) and I like where the economy is mostly. You can get enough of the materials from spider for shards and glimmer so you don't need to farm them. The mastercores are a little crazy and I definitely miss my masterworked year 1 nameless midnight and the number but

Jr. Can eat shit but can we all recognize Cooper is also refusing to admit the truth? He claims he was in the ditch to avoid the road and emergency vehicles? He could stand in the same area his camera man is. He clearly is trying to get a more dramatic shot. He's doing the same thing as that weather channel reporter

The 'lie' or over dramatization is that he's standing in a ditch which will obviously have higher water than anywhere else. It's similar to the weather channel thing going around lately. Just news making things more dramatic which is pretty standard for all of them

The saves will still be on your switch

Let me start by saying I’m someone everyone here would hate just because I’m not an ultra leftist but holy shit who the fuck watches and supports these people? They’re human scum.

Until we have evidence he kidnaps people and keeps them as sex slaves I’ll stick to people like Ariel Castro( people like him since he's dead)  and serial killers being the worst people in America. He’s up there though

You don't need to preorder to get the GCU discount...

Lol, for fuck's sake

Are you writing a new portion for the 'reach' section of the dictionary?

30 hours to get to 95% completion seems pretty short for a AAA open world game. If things are done well that could actually be beneficial though. Some games are a little overwhelming

Calm down man, they now come way faster from public events and other things than farming them from the over world 

I know it's not your intention but this is dangerously close to tying video game gun violence to real life. 

“everything else" is only Xbox one right? Switch has sold at the same pace as PS4. 

You own the console after the 2 years. Try reading

I mean as shitty as Trump is you really must have glued your eyes shut for the past several years to ask for sources on Hillary committing crimes. Go read the reports. Her team destroyed blackberry devices with hammers to destroy evidence (to which the biased investigators said there was no intent). I guess those

You really think saying "did you just assume their gender?" Is transphobic? The reason jokes like this exist is because people take them seriously

I'm pretty sure Kentucky and parts of the southeast are better known for that 

The fact it has amazing exclusives actually makes it perfect to have along another console. PS4/Xbox 1/ PC are all redundant and you only need 1. Switch + 1 of those is all you need. 

Unless this guy can control minds and force people to buy loot boxes how can he possibly be worth that much?