
Unless you can actually prove he meant monkey in a racist manner it means nothing. People called me a monkey when I was a child. I’m white. Not everything is about racism and it must be a pretty sad existence thinking about everything that way.

Fortnite runs so smoothly. I love the gunplay. I just wish building was different. You shouldn’t be able to move and build. Walls shouldn’t be there blocking bullets immediately as there should be build time. The weird thing is visuallly there is build time but they block bullets right off the bat. I don’t think

What does the Tinkerbell post mean?

Eh, I like the intensity it adds especially to battles in town where you’re mostly safe from explosions but people can sneak attack

If this would allow me to use a Xbox controller on PS4 I might actually buy a ps4

If this would allow me to use a Xbox controller on PS4 I might actually buy a ps4

You are not wrong. The big red circle appears on the map well before bombs drop and you have to be pretty unlucky to be nowhere near buildings, in the middle of the circle, and actually get hit by a bomb to die to the thing. I’ve been in many red circles, even in the open, and have died once from being hit. This seems

You never called anyone a fag in middle school or high school? Everyone that has ever said fag must HATE gay people... Same thing for every word.

As a mostly PVE player that gave up D2 months ago I’ll probably jump in a few IB matches and the upcoming exotic changes (the gravitron Lance clip they showed looked insane) look like pve will be more fun again. I’ll play dlc2 I already paid for and I’ll probably enjoy it somewhat but man I do not want to give Bungie

Lol that has pretty close to 0% chance of happening. They haven’t even added it for nightfall which is muchhh easier and doesn’t require much communication.

Ha, you know you’re on the Gawker network or whatever this is now right? Their job is to basically act offended by anything that happens. Especially if it is done by white people. Welcome to SJW web

Sme Brazilians are black and some are not

So the Celtics would destroy the Cavs with Kyrie and Gordon right?

Did the fridge eyedrop guy ever try rohto artics before they were discontinued? Those were like altoids for your eyes , no refrigeration required.

I just got some nubwos for $23 from Amazon. Probably worse than all of these but they seem well worth the $23 so far

Really no slur is quite as bad as the N word in my mind because of where it originated. Like ok chink makes fun of eyes. Wetback makes fun of hard work? Cracker and peckerwood (idk)? But the N word came from people selling blacks as property.

Manny never saw the office. For shame

Have you guys never used a controller with offset joysticks? It’s pretty much globally accepted to be better than 2 even joysticks. PlayStation is killing Microsoft this gen with what matters most (games) but MSFT is still king on controllers. Well MSFT and Nintendo with the pro with offset joysticks.

So what’s the list of people that did it even once? It’s probably still not very long. Most people that average 8 rebounds don’t even come close to 8 assists

He didn’t mean to say it you dummy. That was a blooper.

They never added a death toll lol. It was cancelled before it went in. You just have to wait for the door to open... Jesus