
I think it’s the fact that people with liberal leanings on the network are free to air their political opinions but when someone shares conservative opinions they are reprimanded. Some people probably point to things like Bromani Jones “Caucasian” shirt. I personally think that is funny and conservatives should not be

You can get this same look if you accidentally overshoot your Kleenex while finishing

You’re brave to come here to the den of SJWs

Durant seems to be prone to injury but even healthy they still have to get past LeBron

I met him in person as a kid at a Bulls game (after he was a player) and he was a super nice guy.

Kamiko on the switch on the 27th looks solid for $5

Obama had Rick Ross in the white house who put out songs with lyrics like “slip a molly in her drink and she ain’t even know it”

if you expect any kind of mature discussion from people on the gawker media sites you should just turn back now. These people all believe Trump is literally Hitler. I’m still waiting for the concentration camps and for LGBT people to lose all their rights like all these wackos said would happen if Trump won...

I would never think that guy is black by looking at him so the racist gorilla part is a bit of a stretch

This doesn’t even make any sense. I can go online and buy PS4 and Xbox one for retail. Does that mean they’re a failure? Pretty sure every product ever goes for retail price online once there isn’t shortages...

I don’t understand the battery pack or the third color choice. I Guess some people think the joycon is small and uncomfortable?

It’s unavoidable so might as well look on the bright side...

Can’t tell if trolling or really stupid. Chameleons are a type of lizard and lions are a type of cat. By your logic it would be wrong to call a cardinal a bird....

Same thing I did.

Have docked and undocked this thing tons of times since launch with no scratches. The problem is not that widespread but people on the internet make it seem like every switch has the issue. It sucks for the people that really do have defective units (bent dock or missing padding) but you will probably not face issues

Have docked and undocked this thing tons of times since launch with no scratches. The problem is not that widespread

you should play snipperclips with your wife too

uhhh watch again.

I know what you’re talking about. I placed a bomb of each shape on the far side of the switch so they wouldn’t blow each other up and got to the finish that way.

This is not a record book. Simply people looking at stats and pointing it out...

Who was he voicing? I’ll never notice the difference because I don’t watch YouTubers very often