
Your vote DOES matter. Yeah, the electoral college math decides the presidency, but popular vote totals are often pointed to as an indicator of how strongly a president is supported by the people. If the popular vote is close, congress will drag its heels on everything Clinton tries. If the popular vote—which includes

Gibson’s best response would to be gracious just like when the late Sen. Robert Byrd was continually confronted by his KKK past, “I know now I was wrong. Intolerance had no place in America. I apologized a thousand times ... and I don’t mind apologizing over and over again. I can’t erase what happened.”

Dave, thank you for doing this. From our conversations, I have a sense of how much time you spent on this. I believe your aim was true and your heart was pure. As I read this, I am both angry and sad. Sad for what happened to my friend. Angry that I only knew of her condition after she had passed, when it was too late

This story kicked me in the gut. My mother was an alcoholic, and I struggled with opiate addiction for years. Addiction isn’t a lifestyle you choose. Sobriety isn’t easy, nor is it a wagon to which you strap yourself. Functional addicts are the most at risk because, until they crash and burn, no one has any idea of

Sobriety isn’t a “blessing” or a “gift”. It’s something you fight for with all your strength. It’s something you earn, by overcoming your addiction. You get sober by going through hell and being strong.

I heard he was going to sue Selma Hayek for being short.

I honestly think a lot of rich people outright get off on it. Like they think the rest of us are losers for not doing this.

This is one of the things people with narcissistic personality disorder do: they threaten to sue. Constantly. It’s completely an intimidation tactic.

Has Dump ever mentioned working with Congress at all? He always says what he’ll personally do, and I guess he’ll do it by imperial decree. I’ve never heard him mention working with anyone to get anything done. He has mentioned appointing a Supreme Court justice but has not acknowledged the other two branches of

The thing you need to understand about Trump is that he is, fundamentally, a narcissist. His sense of self is intolerably fragile and depends on the belief that he is the best, the most important, the most powerful, the most moral and the most intelligent person in existence. Anything that counters that internal

Guys, my (Latino) husband doesn’t know it yet because he’s not home, but our couples Halloween costume is now Nasty Woman and Bad Hombre, this nightmare election is finally giving me something useful.

Her social media team is awesome. And quick.

Shot. The man said shot. He wants her to die. And I will bet you $20 that if you ask him exactly why she deserves to be shot he won’t even know. That’s the infuriating part. They have no idea what crime to even accuse her of.

No, but there can be more than one casualty in a war. It doesn’t feel like Wandering Scout was trying to change the target, and make men “the real victims” of Trump’s words, but rather that he was trying hard to point out that Trump doesn’t speak for all men. Trump speaks in absolutes, (“you always see...” “you never

Yes. Specifically one in which internet memes and knee-jerking are substituted for actual knowledge and reading ability.

You’re right; it’s not boy talk. It’s sugar coated misogyny trying to disguise itself as something it’s not

I played sports in high school, and we did not talk that way about women in the locker room.

Grinding to a halt, it sounds so beautifully wonderful.