Jaded Helmsman

84% of North Dakota farms received Federal farm subsidies between 1995-2017. In 2017, North Dakota farmers collected $1,141,257,043 worth of Federal subsidies, putting them second only to Texas. 

To me, in-car safety technology isn’t just accident avoidance. It’s air bags, crumple zones, seat belts, etc. It’s all so interconnected that I don’t think you can separate the two any longer. Combine that with infrastructure (roads) that weren’t designed to handle extreme speeds, and I don’t see this as anything

If they would have said they were limiting it to 112 like some of my old cars did in the 80s because “This car just isn’t designed to go that fast....


I want him impeached, but I’m no longer sure I want him removed from office. I want the Senate Rs to have to bumble around, trying to defend him to the bitter end and a humiliating reelection loss. Remove him from office and you risk someone with an actual working knowledge of getting things done in DC taking his

Depends on what kind of charger you’re referring to.

I’m not so sure about the 80% efficiency estimate. I have a program that monitors the charging efficiency of my Model 3. Over 162 charges, I’m averaging 96.27% efficiency. In over 600 charges of my Model S, I’m averaging 90.07% efficiency.

For those with allergies or other dietary restrictions, the topping contains dairy products and Universal will absolutely not make any modifications to the recipe to avoid trademark violations. 

Where do you draw the line between following the rules vs being obviously obstructionist?

Should have been suspicious when he started asking where most of the victims were found.

You’re assuming the clock is round, when he knows it’s flat. It’s simple really. He’s not falling for your globalist agenda.

My wife is an OB. It has been her experience that the more detailed the birth plan, the more detached from reality it becomes and the less likely it is that anything on the plan is followed. Depending on where you are, and the way your OB office operates, there’s a very real possibility that your baby will be


This morning, I saw a pedestrian surrounded by three large Tom turkeys on a sidewalk on a college campus. She was trying to scare them away, but didn't seem to be having any success. I had no where to stop to try to help, and the turkeys were definitely closing in. I managed to turn around and go back, but she was no

My son's an RA. He says freshmen weren't designed to handle freedom. 

It’s harder for them to escalate everything to calling the other person Hitler. Abortion is their alternative.

He actually stopped in front of the cow. The cow did not want to stop in front of him. The cow tried (and failed) to climb up and over his hood. In the process, the cow caused significant damage to both the front of the car, and to itself.

A family friend once came across a cow that had escaped from its field and was crossing a bridge in traffic. He thought he’d be nice and try to help by using his Civic to block the path of the cow. It was a poor decision. The cow tried to go over his car. It did not end well.

Hard, but I think it’s more likely than we’d care to admit.

I know what I’ve got.