Jaded Helmsman

Further proof that voting must be important, otherwise why spend all this time and energy trying to deny it to “those people.”

Bringing up the death penalty that early was a real risk for @45. How could he have known for sure if the shooter was white or not?

17,656 days without a Soros Check(tm) and counting. I must be liberalling wrong.

With as few touchdowns as they score, they can afford to put a little effort into each celebration.

That’s what makes this for me. 

My name is similar to a historic cult leader and child molester. Not an exact match, but close enough that I’m glad I haven’t been on the job market since the whole Google everything approach hit the mainstream. I’m clearly in a different age bracket though, so that’s probably working in my favor should anyone ever

After last week, I’m inclined to let the Huskies fade into the background for a little while.

This is all a misunderstanding. @45 was told a crowd had gathered and was chanting “Love trumps hate!” and he heard that a crowd had gathered and was chanting “Love Trump’s hate!” and thought it was an invitation.

That was my immediate thought.

Gay aliens from Mexico are behind the migrant caravan, not the bombings, duh!

At least they were honest when they titled the ad: “Offensive.”

NBC really has black egg on its face over the decision to hire her in the first place.

I know the point of the question was adults with no kids, but I think you need to spend more time on the family of 5 side of that response. I can’t even begin to list all the things that are simple and obvious as a family of 4 that don’t suddenly become damn near impossible for a family of 5.

But there were 50,000 people waiting outside to get in, right?

I missed this one somehow.

My money’s on the Tesla.

I’ve been fortunate to have been able to travel to about 15 different countries over the past few years. All but one were non-English speaking. No where did the locals treat us this way.

“Only one journalist killed....”