Jaded Helmsman


I was there, with my wife and kids, in the King’s Court for that game. There are a few crowd shots towards the end where you can see us — me lifting my youngest over my head so he could see what was going on. We’d decided to go as sort of a last minute thing, and decided we’d sit in the King’s Court if there were any

I’ve been afraid to move from my seat for the last 90 minutes. Dinner’s going to be late tonight, and I’m not even superstitious.

About 4 years ago, I did a multi-country tour of western Europe. By far, the most heavily armed police officers I saw were on the streets of Paris. Groups of officers, in virtual military uniform, packing submachine guns openly. It was near Bastille Day, so that might have had some impact on what I saw, but no where

In a jar, hidden away, or in his mouth?

Often. It’s usually easier to close the browser window and open a new one than to wait for the eventual inevitable crash.

Let he who doesn’t regularly pay his attorney enough additional money on a monthly basis on top of his standard retainer to cover hush money payments to porn stars he’s slept with cast the first stone.


Blackberry vines took over a vacant five acre plot near where I grew up. When the berries ripened, we would hack our way through with machetes as we picked. We could literally hack tunnels through the vines. We never worried about reaching too far into the thorns, as a few swings with the machete always revealed more

It is a scientific fact that the worst windstorms happen on garbage days, and the peak of any storm must happen just after the cans have been emptied, ensuring maximum dispersal of lids and empty cans throughout the neighborhood.

Maybe this one — a Centenario that I saw parked in front of a Starbucks in Lahaina, Maui. The owner was sitting outside having a coffee. Had a nice chat with him, and didn’t take a picture of my own. Did see every employee of the Burger King next door take turns taking selfies with the car. And yes, it was parked with

I though Uf Da was a Norwegian thing.

Rome is still alive? And on the air?

This is a great explanation of something that doesn’t matter the vast majority of the time.

It is an embarrassment that it took so long for me to find this comment.

The good news is my kids are on spring break so, when the revolution starts, I won’t have to pull them out of class.

The eagle was just heading for the “Big Maple.”