Jaded Helmsman

Still looking for clarification — Will these armed teachers also be responding to the mass shootings in churches, nightclubs, fast food places, etc.? Or will we also be arming priests/rabbis/imams (obviously not the last ones), bouncers/bartenders/DJs, and fry cooks/burger flippers?

And this was a “training officer.”

As someone who would rather not leave this Earth under the shadow of a mushroom cloud, I want those talks to go well. Still, I can’t help but think that our Tangerine Tormentor will find some way to take this opportunity and make things worse.

As Secretary of the Interior, I thought he was more likely to have an outdoor gate.

5th Gear - It may be that only people who are willing to ride without a helmet are dumb enough to want to climb on to the back of a scooter/motorcycle with a stranger. Problem solved.

I think you’re exaggerating, Torch.

Eating dim sum like an expert also needs to include going with a group of people. There are far too many dishes to sample for just a couple and, if you have to eat too much of any one dish, you’re going to be full before you’ve had a chance to experience the variety that defines dim sum.

First — I’d never considered la-tinks before and now I’m not going to be able to get it out of my mind.

Can we still blame Arabic numerals? Asking for someone who lost the popular vote.

That was a direct response to criticism from a survivor.

Is this something we’re supposed to take literally, but not seriously? Or is this something we’re supposed to take seriously, but not literally?

How many Mooch’s did she last?

There’s something about listening to the Book of Mormon soundtrack, and then listening to Josh Gad’s Olaf that makes Olaf more interesting to me.


Update - Twitter has banned one of the accounts I reported. When I searched for the @username, I found an account proudly announcing it was the backup account for the @bannedaccount in case the banned account got banned.

Way to go, Twitter... /s

I know I’m spitting into the wind, but I’ve been reporting crisis actor tweets and other similar messages targeting the Florida teens for the past few days. They’re extremely easy to find and it only takes a few seconds to report. I think I’m up to about 50 in three days. After about 5 minutes, I can’t stand reading

I thought we were worried about bears?

In the “best case scenario,” arming teachers ends with a teacher shooting a student. It’s beyond absurd.