
I’ve never been to Cleveland and I’m reasonably confident it’s shitty

Those were the sons of the men who were shocked and appalled at having to compete with black men for college spots via affirmative action

My favorite is “Who asked you, Princess Ashley?”

But on the real, it’s obviously completely unacceptable bullshit that you have to deal with this as a part of your job, and I’m sorry. And I’m very impressed by your ability to laugh it off. And I love you.

Do these people not have employees? Is there really no one in this woman’s life willing to say “Listen...Ann. You can’t say ‘retard’ IN A FUCKING BOOK”

So, it’s just penne with vodka sauce? That’s hardly even a meal, let alone an impressive one. When you first start dating someone you cook them shit like salmon risotto and steaks and what not. Cheesy pasta is for later when you are committed and have farted in front of one another. This is basic science.

cheesy pasta is a long term relationship meal

Yay!!! Maybe there is hope for me after all

I am fully here for this. Already planning a viewing party with my sister in law and bff, and bonus points I won’t be pregnant anymore so we can make a Britney drinking game out of it. Let’s do this.

Annnnnnd T Pain for the win



I'm developing a complex over here

I felt a twinge just looking at that photo.

Scuse me while I go follow myself. At least I'll have one.


We have a 3 year old with some pretty severe asthma related to her allergies, and he is always telling me that chiropractic “adjustments” for kids are supposed to just work wonders for sinus and breathing problems. I do not fucking think so.

I don't know anything about d&d but it's my favorite name ever

as a northern VA resident i whole heartedly agree with this haha

my boyfriend works in a chiropractor's office and does NOT appreciate it when he's telling a random work story "and so Dr Eileen said..." and I'm like "yeah, Eileen's not a doctor, but go on"

Semi-related: Has anyone proposed a Jezebel book club? Can we do this? I may even be willing to start using Twitter for such a thing