Minnesota Nice, California Snark

It would be awesome if being a rapist caused gangrenous infections to sprout and pop out... I wonder how utterly putrid this guy would look.

I hope her husband gets executed. End whatever legacy he was so obsessed with creating because he was weak-minded and selfish.

He’s partially responsible for what happened. Fuck these pastors telling women to stay with infantile and abusive men. I hope he gets eaten alive by bullet ants, or whatever large jawed species of hive-mind insects live in their area.

We need ways for people, especially mothers with children, to get safely away and STAY AWAY from unstable, violent, abusive partners, spouses, housemates, family members, etc.

Last I checked, a piece of paper does a shitty job of stopping bullets.

Oh look, an acquaintance rapist.

Maybe they have mental illness and try and kill themselves because they get treated like shit all their lives for being ‘different’ and ‘unacceptable’ to the standards of most communities that openly force conformity, are infested with outdated and ignorant religious dogma, and nurtured desire to be fearful and

Are you equating sexual abuse to being equal to being transgender?

She’s had a total of 9 kids (dunno Caleb is included in that number, or if she has 10 total including him) and only had contact with the two living with her prior to her relationship being found out. That means at least 6 other children are out in the system somewhere, having been taken away from her for some manner

She probably owns and has signed copies of every single Twilight book.

So... who’s gonna win in this whole thing?

A hyuckhyuck becoming semi-self aware that they’re a hyuckhyuck is a fascinating thing.

“Sources close to the couple that say Kris Jenner has been supportive and that Rob’s sisters are “coming around” to the idea of Rob making a baby with the mother of his half-sister’s maybe-former-boyfriend”

If she didn’t like the way that he hugged her, could it be because he touched her without permission?

You fail to understand their logic.

Hey now... hey...

He was probably advertising to all the other closeted manly mens. Where else can you find so many in one spot? He won’t get another opportunity like this for four years.

We’re getting there... already got ourselves a gator.

It’s easy to enslave someone when they don’t know the language if where they are at and have no money, contacts, etc. They practically do not exist and so you can easily do whatever you want.

Ignore the troll. Theyre just hoping they get to put their peepee in a playmate.