I was just about to make this comment. The video itself even includes slow-motion... how hard is it to count to 10? Lol.
The Porsche flips a heck of a lot, and it goes so fast that it’s hard to get a definite count. The 911 took more than 10, and probably somewhere nearer to 15, tumbles before it settled on its roof.
Good luck finding a new GT3 for $150k.
You mean there isn’t a “concours tumbril” category??
Elba isn’t too old, but the rest is pretty solid.
Its going to be hard turning it left when it just wants to go right, into the stands.
Nothing of value was lost that day
The most impressive part is that it’s a 98 Ram with no rust.
Column shifters add 20-30 years to your life the instant you use them. Just kidding.
“Well the guy next to me in the crowd said it was tuned to 820 hp. But that was with the cold air intake. They had to take it off for the sand, so now it only makes 800"
Asset forfeiture is a scandal and a travesty. If conducted at all it should be court-approved and paid into the state like taxes, not used as an individual sheriff’s personal or departmental slush fund.
Shutup, this would be amazing in a Dino :)
Ah, the Cosby Defense (TM).
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand contract lounges for budget carriers. The service is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical economics most of the soft product will go over a typical guest’s head. There’s also the lounge’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into the…
You think those prototype drawings look good? Really?
Bless your heart.
But has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
More like Pooperintendent amirite