if he did then he probably designed the software himself. guy is a fucking genius
if he did then he probably designed the software himself. guy is a fucking genius
is it wearing a monocle?
they couldn’t give her a tshirt? or a blanket or something?
who knew an LFA just needed some aerobits in a wing to look totallyfuckinawesome again?
literally zero airplanes land above 200mph. the space shuttle lands at a maximum speed of 226mph and it’s basically just a gliding bomb. furthermore, at the speeds a veyron/chiron are driving at, 1mph increases aren’t incrementally more difficult to engineer around, they’re exponentially more difficult to engineer…
$30k/set. a mclaren F1's tires cost more than $10k a set and it’s 30 years old lol
we weren’t arguing you were just being a huge baby.
that’s what i said
yeah sorry guy, re: $5000 cars for $500. that’s hoarder talk. if this guy was maintaining some of these cars - i.e. willys, 240z, then yes you could sell them for $5000. but right now you’re lucky if someone is taking your datsun off your hands for $500. it’s free money
when i read “rolodex” i can’t help but feel you mean “lexicon.” they’re too similar for this to not be a mistake. rolodexes are where you kept people’s business cards before the internet. they don’t exist anymore. your lexicon is your personal vocabulary
i mean way to hold a grudge i guess. bonus points
so wassup w/ resonding 2.5 months later
did you just check your notifications after 2.5 months hiking the appalachian trail?
is this considered co-marketing?
um yeah i’m ambivalent about a 7 year old car too. i really don’t care about design refreshes, give me the next in line of the spiritual successors to the countach or GTFO. i think this is more of a car company thing, and def a mass production trick for supercar manufacturers. they can squirt out more millions worth…
also a used 80's 900 is like $2000 you could def singerize one of these beasts for $50k.
frig off