You noticed, eh? :)
You noticed, eh? :)
A fitting punishment? Take the cars, deregister and donate them to underprivileged SCCA competitors. Give those poor cars a proper life on the track.
That's awesome — I love it. Reminds me of when I was visiting some friends in Miami and I met a nice girl who looked for all the world like she could be from Oregon or some other northern state — until she spoke. Later on, I learned that she was from St. Kitts. :)
Unless I am sadly mistaken, this is the true calling of all Toyota Previas.
Most of the DIY multirotors (like mine) are fully GPS-integrated and can follow waypoint-guided plans, so programming one to follow the course wouldn't be too difficult. Getting them to follow cars is a bit tougher, but I've read of at least one researcher who modified a Parrot AR to follow a jogger autonomously, so…
I'll have to look into getting an 808 — it seems to be a pretty good camera for the price. As for the quad, the fun for me is building/testing it, so I'm waiting a bit until I can afford an APM2 board, then I'll try building a sub-miniature quad for indoor use (the 5" dia. props on 8" booms seem like a good size for…
I'd expect more of "Come inside, please! But do be quick, I don't have all day."
*sigh* This just makes the itch to fly my quad even worse. Damned weather *grumblegrumble shakes fist at sky*
True... that gas smell is just about impossible to get off. Sadly, sometimes you can be forced to deal with it, courtesy of under-hood places that are just about impossible to deal with if you have work gloves on (I'm looking at you, fuel filter in my Protege!)
Heh, I try to use my gloves more (especially after that scolding given to me by the nurse when she stitched my finger up), but usually only make it about 1/4 to a 1/3rd of the way through the job before returning to bare mitts. Besides, the abrasive orange cleaner I use does a great job of cleaning up. As for the…
Hayao Miyazaki's movies are wonderful for promoting strong female leads. Moreso, the girls in his movies almost never achieve success via violence — Miyazaki is something of a pacifist (Princess Mononoke was a bit of a departure, but not completely.)
*clicks button*
Fascinating how far you can take Pavlovian and Skinner techniques in training rodents — no wonder rats have become associated with Skinner boxes.
It may be unimaginative/out-of-category, but I'd think that anyone who doesn't like Shiba Inu pups are probably dead inside.
All I can say is...
The Louisiana State Police use these Dodge Durango's. When one is sitting behind you on the highway, you can't see the lights and the writing down the side, until it's too late. The SUV following me this morning found this out the hard way.
Marginally so, old chap. Marginally.
"Easy to start, easy to drive, refreshed and with a really fattened sound."
I like it. It implies that the user should simultaneously apply a can of gasoline and a lightning bolt to the car. Smart is really doing us a favor!
Pretty much so, especially for my mother. She stopped driving after that, and has probably driven perhaps a handful of times in the 20-odd years since the theft.