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Although the game doesn't specifically create secret paths to allow you to skip sections of the game (although there are a couple secret levels and whole lot of secret areas), the inter-connected nature of the original Quake 1 maps almost encourage creative methods and paths to reduce the run time through the game

"An American, ay? Welcome to BTCC, Robbie!"

Truthfully, that was always my first crazy-mashup idea. But I'd only want to do it with the Gen-3 models, as they were reputedly designed to mimic the original Viper. The idea of an ordinarily boring vehicle aping a high performance car, yet secretly being powered by that same car's motor seems so nicely meta. Call it

One more silly idea — this car, with a 3 or 4 rotor Renesis 16x, driving an RX8 powertrain.

Putting aside the idea of a v10-powered Caravan, the idea of shoehorning the running gear of the next Viper into the body of the current Charger sounds delightfully Mad-Hatter.

All of them. Even the ones in the office across the street.

I am unworried. My family is immune to the sultry allure of French accents.

Well shit, you got my vote. Nothing amuses more quite like hosts causing discomfort to other hosts.

Well, at least the fire will pollute less than the other launch accidents, amirite?

Despite your moobs visibly quivering in fear of being run over by an errant and slightly-distracted limey, you did an admirable job of keeping your cool. Nice work, Spinelli.

Then someone lied on their police report.

I doubt it. All those girls look over 18.

For only $2500? Hell yes!

You promised me that you wouldn't tell anyone about that.

Hoo boy. All that slidin'. Tire-spinnin'. Engine-roarin'. Can you feel it, ladies? I know you do. Don't tell me you don't.

Although this is something of a moving-target question, one of the most advanced road-cars currently in the works might be the Jaguar C-X75. Serial hybrid, powered by diesel-fed micro-turbines. Pretty damned futuristic, if you ask me.

I'd blow a chunk of the $20K on a decent 2nd-gen Monza Coupe (this one's only $7500) , and still have a boatload of cash to spend on repairs and upgrades.

After your glowing review of it? I can offer...

#4 is priceless. +100 Internets to anyone with the stones to try it.