
What is your attitude towards crazy project-cars? 'Cos I've had this idea about a Gen3 Caravan and a Viper powertrain...

Parsecs? PARSECS?! Parsecs are for sissies! Here, I'll show you a Kessel Run with some chest hair! Right through that comet-field and those blackish-holish things. Kif, divert power from the shields!

You just like shading in all the ovals.

Hmm... I would choose Dany NoMore. But I'm just vindictive like that.

"Why yes, I am interested in a free Sildenafil sample. How did you guess?"

Spoken like a true Protestant.

Now playing

"After Lorz's crippling defeat, he vanished from the spotlight. No-one is sure exactly where he spent his remaining years; however, there has been speculation that he retired to train other aspiring Olympic runners to reach for the same goals as he did."

Amelia is not dead — she just went home.

Just an addition — some modern cars (like my '09 Miata) have the ability to "upgrade" their existing stereo units with add-on components like Bluetooth capability (the Touring model doesn't have BT, but you can buy the module from Mazda), allowing for things like phone integration and the like. Failing that, you can

With that much power, I'm amazed the Miata didn't try to swap ends every time he prodded the loud pedal, even without the benefit of coolant lubing the tires.

Ha, that reminds of something an SCCA instructor told me — that anyone who holds an SCCA license and/or participates regularly in autocross should get an automatic insurance deduction. I prefer your mandatory autocross idea more, though. :)


Although I've posted this article here many times before, I can't help but add it one more time. One of the best articles espousing the wonders of the DS — ex-Jalop Sam Smith's road trip with a DS21 Chapron Décapotable.

Well, at least the cupholder demands were for the Cayenne — you expect a bit of creature comforts in a big honkin' SUV.

Amen, sister!

Is Alex around? Care to weigh in on how great your job is, Mr. Lloyd?

Did you guys get any flak (or fun responses) to the barge drift on GYM5? Helluva thing to see while stuck in mid-morning traffic...

As an interesting aside (and addendum) to your point about govt-vs-private infrastructure costs for things like broadband, the cost savings when it's done at the municipal level instead of by the private sector can be stunning, to say the least. Case in point, the town where I live (Lafayette, LA) has one of the few

I must say though, Alex Nunez's liveblogs of the episodes made for some pretty hilarious reading.

I noticed from your other cars that you happen to own quite a number of older Ford cars (the Model A's in particular). Is there any special interest in them, or just a love in general of old American iron?