
Bah. My Angelfire and Tripod sites laugh at you from within Lycos's belly.

Fascinating. I can't wait for the Welsh/Branson attempt.

What a lovely car. All the great details — the euro bumpers, the 288-eqse wheels, the 5-speed manual, that steering wheel. Count me in.

This car. 1991 NA Miata (manual, of course.) I paid $700 for it, drove it for long enough to get Miata in my veins, then sold it after a friend begged me and promised to put a 5.0 V8 in it. I pined after it for a couple of years, then saved up enough to buy my '09 NC.

God, that's perfect.

This quote disturbs me far more than any remote possibility of the anomaly being a UFO:

Yup, I doubt that the average rider could handle the rigor of piloting such a machine.


With a little Fall Guy in between.

Ah, Raymonde Wertamino... that flower vase, those sunglasses. Indeed, you're a man's man. You're a man's man's man. More importantly, your hands, while firm and masculine, are soft as a velvet child. What lotion do you use?

Against all odds (this IS a Prius, after all), because racecar.

Maserati Gran Turismo.

Give this man a star!

Heh, when my spouse got the R3, we spent a couple of hours looking through all the cubbyholes and storage spaces in the car. It's amazing where Mazda manages to find space. :)

Thanks to Orlove, I'm backing the losing Corvair Monza Spyder. I can't help it now.

Clarification: The Jalop who forgot his wallet didn't drive to work that day (his boss picked him up), so he wasn't guilty of any infraction.

And if you don't? One of our Jalops left his wallet at home by accident just this morning. Do they have the right to hold him for up to 24 hours, simply because he forgot?

Not arguing it's legality at all. In fact, precisely the opposite. The wording of the law (particularly the vague use of "reasonable suspicion") allows for detainment of people without just cause. More so, it provides a path for law enforcement to verify the immigration status of a whole swath of the population,

According to my manual, owners of the PRHT Miatas have this as part of their toolkit, specifically for overriding the power hardtop. Yes, they give you two bits of string as part of the kit.

Hilariously, my Miata owners manual has an entire section devoted to the correct use of a seat-belt extender. Take my word for it — if you need to use a seat-belt extender, you ain't gonna fit in a Miata.