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Jee-yoo-jee-arr-oh. At least, that's how I say it.
My spouse and I have to fly cross-country in 2 days. This does not make for comfortable reading.
That's why I wasn't offended when he said that. :) I do need to take it road-tripping a bit more. Perhaps to the Deal's Gap area.
Heh, when I lived in an apartment, they were remarkably lax about working on my car. I changed the radiator and the timing belt while there. Fun times.
Ha, my Miata is the inverse of this car. I took it in last week to have the battery checked (I thought it was a bit weak.) The ensuing conversation got a bit of a laugh from me:
With respects to the flooding, I found out that a faulty battery will also cause a flood condition — the one in our R3 failed prematurely with a resultant flood (apparently if the engine can't crank at >220rpm, the engine will flood.)
HA! Love the punchline.
Undoubtedly they will — a stunt this dangerous and high-profile will call for a helluva lot of camera coverage. Of course, I doubt external sound recording will do much good for the first couple of minutes of the jump, as there will be little to no air with which to carry the sound. :P
Congratulations on your COTD and star, ThirdPedalGirl! Very nicely done.
"I'm gonna give your star to someone who wants one."
HA! Hilarious.
I'm sure his asking the arresting officer "if he felt lucky, punk" isn't going to do him any favors in front of the judge either.
Yeah, I'm still waiting for that busload of F1 mechanics to show up at my doorstep too.
I bet their spouses were pretty mad when they discovered that the picnic baskets had been nicked.