
@ddjeffries: Isn't just saying "troll" and nothing else worse than anything?

As long as chrome has its omnibar, tabs on top, and just all around awesomeness, safari is for retards. On a Mac or PC

Unless, this is all just some insane government coverup for test flights of...the new iFly.

I watched the live stream of the keynote and that shot above of him with his finger over the windows logo on the desktop was him trying to open up a video.

So does it have an actual browser or does it just sit there and update the apps u want?

Wouldn't anyone else think terrorist attack if they saw those people walking down the street with that thing on as in one of the pictures.

I got 9000 ish on the iPhone version. Is that good?

@MrHaroHaro: wow thats exactly what I would do. I am for sure going to buy one of these in the next few months, but there are features on both I want. I want the capacitive touchscreen of the Sony Vaio L and the hardware and specs of it, with the software of the HP Touchsmart. I wish this was an easier decision. #hpt

This has given me the idea to just play a video of a fireplace on a loop on my tv when its not in use. Its certainly a lot cheaper.

Alright well now I really have a problem on my hands. Next year I am off to college and living in an apartment. I can either get a big screen tv and stream my movies and stuff through my xbox from my computer. Or get this computer, put it on the wall, and use it as a dvr and multimedia centre. Although its gonna be