
@NarcoSleepy: All they do is make your signal weak. Screw 'em.

@skywalker24: Apparently it was Book of Eli, so the three-trains-in-a-row rule wouldn't apply. But I feel like Book of Eli was in theaters before Pelham.

@RtFusion: Before you do, you gotta stand up and yell, "Do you think the train will explode this time?"

@palinode: She's attractive, but I don't know about the acting part.

I really want this to not be totally terrible.

@Chilli: He has a personal rule against doing more than two train movies in a row.

@RtFusion: What a terrible movie. And you feel like you see it ten times in the one sitting.

I will not eat less meat. When I think about my future, I look at all the meat I'm going to eat. I think to myself, "If I retired at age xx, how much meat could I eat every day without going broke?"

@Ink Jameson: Like, one that naturally tastes like chocolate? Or something?

@kagekiri: It'll be a pretty sad day when people can't even get lab-grown transplants because hotels and French restaurants buy up all the human mean.

@Chimaera: This is exactly what I needed to see. I watched the trailer, and I was like, "There is a reason for this. There must be."

All these comments are making me really crave piss.

@EnderWiggin831: That is really, really strange. You would think an editor would cut that part out.

@J Dub: Just makes it easier to pull it out of your pocket.

@stifflittlefinger: His employee retired that afternoon, and after a week of playing Catch Me If You Can, he got a job as a delivery guy. It was worth it though, livin the dream.

@l337_7r4d3r: This wasn't a survey. The research suggests causation.

@skivAman: These recent films have been about nothing, people going about their lives every day:

I really hope this is a point of debate in the next presidential election.

@Jen Mayer: This is a hilarious example of why the internet is so great. Made my night.

I am impressed, and good work to the people that made it.