
Transdermal patches have been around since the 1970s and come in many forms, I myself use to take ADD medication through a patch as a child. There are currently NSAIDs via these transdermal patches available, but I believe this is specific to ibuprofen and it maybe a novel delivery system. For what it’s worth there

You could try, but I doubt that this would present lesser side effects of what you’ve mentioned. NSAIDs work on a blood level not locally so you would get the same side effects, the only difference with this dermal route I see would be just adverting the GI tract so you would get less stomach upset. It would still

They also cover them with sadness and fear, don’t forget sadness and fear are bad for your tummy too

Wait... if your ER doctor was “unaware” of the GI contradictions of the most common OTC pain medication then you need to go to another hospital. Also, the majority of people actually do read the fine print, along with the directions, dosage, price, ingredients... Who just pops pills? This falls into the same field as

As opposed to being as innovative as to still include a port that dates back to the previous century?

I don’t understand that logic, if anything the fact that the iPod Touch is 1mm thinner and still retains the 3.5mm headphone jack is a sign that they could be ready to ditch the port. The iPod Touch is thinner because it doesn’t need any of the same chips and ports that the iPhone does, it doesn’t have the cellular

Decades of indecision and of debate and of study mean the exact same thing. If something is in “debate” or “study” it is an indecision. Once the debating or studying is over theres a clear and final decision being made. So no matter what word you decide to use it’s still the same.

There is a free software plugin for computers that does exactly that, it will dim the screen based on the time of day. But better yet if she feels she needs the TV to fall asleep it is more than likely a noise issue, I had the same experience. Supplanting the TV for a sound machine/app did the trick. There are many

Well also for the effect to take place one must have the source directly in their line of sight and also within a few inches or feet depending on the strength of light. A single CFL bulb behind a closet opening across the room while a child has his/her eyes closed is not going to cause any issue other than keeping the

Why would they include an SD card slot in this device? It seems that would defeat the purpose of this, which is meant to be a thin client focusing on cloud computing.

Not so much a “body chemistry” (which isn’t a thing btw) , the rate of absorption is a bit different in those two drugs though. I believe the main difference in efficacy that you are experiencing is that paracetamol, or as it’s known in the US, acetaminophen, is not an NSAID, whereas ibuprofen is. So, acetaminophen is

When trying to FB the link, FB says that the site is listed as “The content you’re trying to share includes a link that our security systems detected to be unsafe:” Hmmm

Even their press shots from the app look suspect. The white guy is taking a selfie with a flip phone circa 2004 and the “opponent” black guy has a selfie from what looks like a laptop angle, both aren’t related to a smartphone app. I mean I know you can upload any photo to a profile, but just is a small detail that

This is GrindR for dudes on the DL with slightly aggressive tendencies.

I would have hoped at these prices Philips would have increased the Lux in the light. I wish they made a model that included atleast a 10,000 Lux lamp to get full light therapy effect.

I would have hoped at these prices Philips would have increased the Lux in the light. I wish they made a model that

Forget all that mess, I’ll be happy with usable WiFi and affordable pricing.

That projected assistant “hologram” has been in use at the Boston Logan airport for years. They have a few that are placed near checkpoints instructing you to have all your documents at the ready. More of a waste of space IMO. But it is the only “person” that smiles at you at Logan. I get security is a really

Maybe in a seniors living burb or some other closed neighborhood environment, sure, makes sense, in a dense population probably not yet there...

There are few choices Apple makes that really bothers me as much as this does... I never understood how it’s good business to stick to one band when trying to push a universal music streaming option. I understand Apple is deeply embedded with U2 from their ProductRed agreement, but this is just becoming way too much.

Also anything in your favorites list still works... I’m told