Jacob Ado

I enjoyed this episode but not as a finale, and I am so done with the death mystery. It is taking away from the rest of the show and a near constant distraction. The second half of this season has really fallen apart for me. Some good episodes and great moments for sure but this is dragging it down.


this article is so mean. whats your guys' beef with bill??

is this a serious comment?

Is that how math works??

It is weathered because its an old photo that he dropped at the ranch. It would make sense that if his wife had just died (as Ed Harris confirmed last week) he would carry around an old photo of her.

Why does that confuse you? MIB & Fords new narrative exist in the same "present" timeline. What maybe your thinking of as "ongoing" already is the memories Ford implanted into Teddy. Those were meant to go along with the new narrative.

Thank you.

Honestly, if you think this show is bad (I get it if its just not for you, taste wise) then you're either dim or not paying attention.

Respectfully, rewatch and pay better attention. The acting is stellar and the writing is better.

To your first point; its already been established that she was one of the original hosts however "she's been repaired so many times [shes] practically new"

I meant to go back and check for that, IS the knife that William is seen using last night shown close enough to confirm its the same one MIB has? We got a great look at it from Harris' perspective.

Stray thought from me: Arnold has Dolores kill him using "these violent delights have violent ends" as the secret code phrase.

3 timelines is a bit misleading as I think we are just seeing tons of mismatched Dolores flashbacks. Dolores with William is timeline B. Dolores in the basement with Arnold is Timeline A. and Dolores with MIB (everything with MIB, Board, etc.) is Timeline C. Misleading because I believe were simply in Timeline C with

Whats the word on Lady Stoneheart for the finale???


Or he hasn't seen "that" dolores in 30 years. Presumably this is how I understand Williams arc, he falls for Dolores, thinking she is "not like the others" and then Logan ruins that by cutting her open, turning him into the hard grizzled "screw robots theyre just robots" MIB we see in the present. When he encounters

They made clear earlier in the season that no one but Ford knows anything about Arnold. Presumably he had all records and trace of him besides his first name (lol) wiped from the parks history.

thanks to AV club staff like you for comments and thoughtful prodding like this. <3 your site

Its so nice when the internet gets along with eachother. <3