
It's a musical now!

Pretty average, actually.

Only an obvious one.

Tie between:
Game Of Thrones - Baelor
Community - Remedial Chaos Theory

Britta'd it.

The true meaning of Kwanzaa is truly within us all.

Works every time.

But then what would all of the East Coasters do?

it appears to be so

tasty, tasty capers.

No, it was obviously a critique of The Killing.

Human Being/Magnitude


Eh, Anthem wasn't that bad.

The Foo Fighters song is heavier than the Dream Theater song, and category is called Best Hard Rock/Metal Song.

He got laid.

New tumblr post from Dan Harmon, apologizing for the depiction of gays in the episode.

Also, The Roots as band.

Or posts referencing posts on the number of posts.

You live inside a Stephenson novel?