
Because of the miniature fame milking, of course.

I can play all of them, but I'd rather not.

Yeah, Cake gets lots of radio play in L.A, at least. Well, mostly The Distance and Never There.

Well, definitely the best one on this page.

Yeah, this show should be covered just to see if an F- grade could be instituted.

Cosmic horror from the 413th dimension, of course.

I think it comes up more in Israeli history than British History, actually.

Or as in wrinkly skinned.

Shit. I got a three.

Really? His stuff is generally pretty high up on the best books of the past century, and I would think that B&N would cater to that crowd.

They Aren't?


What about in Base 13?

I forgot why I'm even replying to this.

A member of the Greendale Gazette.

like totally hella sweet.

Yeah, I hate when it gets shloopy, whatever that is.

He obviously was a space doctor first, haven't you seen the 1962 episodes?

Its very possible to start watching for her, but the rest of the show will probably keep you hooked.

Wow! It's just like a day and half ago! Nostalgic wave overpowering!