
That statement is the closest they can come to actually saying “for maximum profits we need to launch a new model every year with something substantively different about it and we have completely run out of potentially useful modifications to make. So we’re going with this instead. But we’re going to be haughty and

We already got a good video game movie. It was called Mortal Kombat.

For a game focusing on maze puzzles, I thought there was a lot of variety with the format.

Fighting games with one hit kill has been around before, and it was glorious, see:

I’ll post here what I posted on that other thread:

I am because I don’t talk about golf when at parties

“why can’t we just install it straight from the CD?”

Don't cut yourself on all that edge.

One is a person with free-will and in control of their sexuality, the other is a character whose traits are all manufactured in order to pander, while the creator tries to pretend that totally wasn’t the case.

How much Mac Pros go these days? They can probably go higher than this set.

anyone who kickstarts something and thinks they’re now a stake or shareholder and not a donating patron is confused.

Newsflash - people have a really hard time being in long term monogamous relationships and society’s weird, unnecessary and CONSTANT shaking finger makes it harder for people to just be able to admit that to themselves, and find relationships that DO work for them. But SURPRISE when you guilt them into obeying

Man you got fuckin destroyed.

Gotta love the meta-troll of accusing Heroes of the Storm of ripping off DOTA.