
"haha what a loser"

Doe....a deer

Wanna play a game?

Shine on you crazy diamond

I suppose this is the next step for Esports.

Yeah totally. Especially with ease of access to technology I don't think it's far fetched to think of some sort of terrorist weaponizing technology... king of like the "grey goo" theory. Self replicating nanobots would be sweet... but someone re-purposing them to replicate forever would destroy the world.

Subtlety. People would notice ICBMs, nobody bats an eye when someone gets assaulted in an Uber.

It's been brought up many times but I think is where skynet really begins... when all of those robo-ubers rise up and start assaulting their passengers.

I never got to play this in it's heyday so I picked it up and goddamn is it fun. Haven't had any problems in terms of crash or anything like that and I really enjoy being able to play with a controller.

I imagine when this hits the market they will have specific videos for guy or girl POV. The switch in this video was just done for the reactions

The thing about shitty games is they are really easy to churn out pretty quickly

Yeah that is some buzzfeed level shit right there

Same. I beat it in 80 something hours and didn't run into anything like the "banter bug" or anything else that was game breaking. I think I might have crashed like once but I don't even remember honestly (and at that was probably caused by fucking around in my computer and unseating my heat sync on accident)

Alright you:

Good way to deflect the question.

This is fair. It's just something that I've never had an issue with because I always assumed it's working as intended.

I may be misremembering but I feel like once upon a time Google used to cram all of the current news related things into a box at the very top of the page and then have the regular results under it.

dunno, I just did a search for french cartoonists and got the wiki article you mentioned as well as this handy did scrolling bar across the top of a bunch of french cartoonists.

If they can't be respectful about us and our responsibilities, then anything goes.