
I always heard you Penn staters were insane but goddamn

Most of the "sins" were either just snarky observations, the guy just being an asshole over something very small, or his opinion.

I used to really hate speedrunning because all of the videos I saw were pretty boring and just...annoyed me. But this event really turned me around. Maybe it was all the commentary and the entertaining players or the community around the event but goddamn I watched so much of this. Can't wait for the next event!

Well deserved I think


Jesus, I didn't know they actually did all the bricks individually for everything. I can't imagine the computing power that must have needed

I would watch the shit out of that movie

Give me a game that looks like this and an Occulus and I'll give you a heart attack.

Bring that shit back to London

An internet classic.

(see the video charolastra just posted)

This is all I can see



Congrats Patrick!

Yeah I don't really think it was a stunt, however I DO think they have played the PR spin angle of this pretty awesomely. Pull the movie from theaters (" We're keeping people safe!") wait until it turned into a bigger deal with the president and the DPRK blackout, release the movie online and to theaters that want it

So this was all a really elaborate marketing stunt, right?

Because it was REALLY repetitive.