Jack Shaftoe

YT has issues with black creators.  They get yanked way more often that others and for no apparent reason.  

Content delivery services rely on audience flagging to point moderation teams toward “rule breakers” in instances where AI isn’t enough.

Mass exodus of...checks notes 0.3% in one year after a 5.8% increase over the previous decade.


Your assuming what is on the market right now is state of the art. As you pointed out current technology is about 5 years ahead of what you see coming to the market. So, it really is like 10 years... but it just started 5 years ago and is ending five years early.

This has been a target date in CA for about a decade now. Everyone said the same thing when California had stricter smog requirements and then every car company ended up complying. Its only for new vehicle sales so used vehicles are an exception. Its only for sales and not registration of so you can buy a car in any

Throw in the occasional reverence for GTA5 and/or some sort of version of GTA6 they’ve constructed in their heads as some sort of benchmark, or some sort of “every open world game has to be innovative and be something I’ve not experienced before” standard (all taken from various reviews I’ve seen the past 24 hours or

The funniest no-spiders mod I’ve ever seen was for one of the Thief games. It went something like, it gave every spider 1HP, made them friendly, made all other NPCs hostile to them, killed them at the beginning of the level, changed their model to a rock, made them invisible and teleported them outside the map

Imagine being so full of hate that you sit down and spend the time to design a mod that removes a flag you do not like in a game. Its some real “angry incel in their moms basement” level energy

It’s funny that the people who call others sensitive snowflakes are the ones getting upset over colored bars on a flag to the extent they have to mod them out.

Real “you calling out my racism makes you the *real* racist” energy.

I mean this isn’t exactly the same as modding out spiders in Skyrim or Darksiders.

Excess corporate profits could go into a stronger social safety net so as to allow people to be unemployed longer without losing their homes.

Yeah, no. Wages have nothing to do with inflation and have not, for 50 years. Wages have NOT kept up with inflation for decades.

Ah yes, more folks are working and have a bit more money than they have in 30+ years so now inflation is our fault. Not the price gouging and stock buy backs, or the PPP loan forgiveness, it’s the regular folks who’ve been scraping by for decades.

political statements they may or may not be making, especially when at times those kind of things are more imagined than real

Personally, I hope the FTC blocks the transaction. I’m also enjoying the failures of COD. Blackout was the better of the two battle royales but Warzone got the attention, for whatever reason. Blackout was a perfect blend of COD with Apex Legend/PUBG features. Maybe it didn’t have a robust enough micro transaction

Zero dollars. That’s where I’m at these days. 

I have always been a fan of proximity mines but I recall a hilarious situation.when I was doing QA for Red Faction 3 and someone set up an hour long game on a mostly flat map with only pistols and prox mines

Arguably, we’ve already had the “perfect” D&D movie thanks to Peter Jackson’s adaptations of The Lord Of The Rings in the 2000s—which, if I’m being honest, do chart a bit too close to “action movie” for my taste”

It sure does seem like a whole bunch of people who have been doing shady to downright shitty things are trying to reframe the narrative to be that they are being “censored”.

Which sure does have some allegories to some real life stuff happening, so i guess that’s where this tactic is coming from.

This is about as believable as when Rocksteady claimed that the Arkham Knight wasn’t Jason Todd and was an original character.

It does help that the Steam Deck puts it in an easier to access place.