
What’s the difference between dead people and aborted babies?

well put

No matter what she says she can’t win with you. She could be pro-abortion and you would still rip her apart...

As a viper owner I WHOLE-HEARTELDLY (check the spelling I Googled it) disagree....

As GM keeps sipping black coffee and pumping out pushrod motors...

ICU there! My stars will always ooutshine yoours

Pretty sure you’re gonna need an extra 0 in there.

The steering wheel gets warm, and the seat does too... All before I get into it... Strange right?!

That’s super cute....

because math.....

I think this is sarcasm..... Not 100% certain though..

Very valid argument for sure. The tide is shifting though. I can’t count the number of businesses coming here from California. It’s great for us economically, but Texas will shift politically unless California makes it advantageous for businesses to stay there. I hope they do, so we don’t turn.

BAHAHAHAHAHA!! Texas is the 11th largest economy in the WORLD..... Right behind Canada.... Democrats ruin business.

Come to Texas like most of the transplants are coming from... Just one thing.. Don’t vote Democrat.... Unless you want to California Texas in 20 years.....

This is why we are screwed as a species.

Hopefully the under powered Supra and sloshbucket of a transmission it will have..

I agree with you. (great discussion isn’t it?) The whole thing is hurting the economy, but nothing is being done about it. Bernie Sanders and the Democrats want to subsidize it. I can’t believe how much money these schools are making. They have it coming in both the front door and back door. Athletics (fair amount of

I say F the borrowers. Most kids don’t work while in college. Some do and do so responsibly and don’t blow it on beer money. While other kids realize they don’t need the full “college experience” and go to a CC for two years then transfer those ALMOST free credits to the state university. I have no pity for

I like his policies, not him. He just needs to keep his mouth shut. Coefifi!

You can drive mine as long as you promise to not talk about Hillary or Bernie.. Deal?