American Cars always weigh more, because they always put in an obese woman on welfare that has a mustache and wears a Snuggie.
American Cars always weigh more, because they always put in an obese woman on welfare that has a mustache and wears a Snuggie.
I’ve had my gt350 for a week and LOVE IT. I haven’t had much experience as so many of these keyboard warriors do, but I love that car. I’ve had a Cayman S and a 06 Viper. Everyone knows the Cayman is under powered, and the Viper didn’t even had cruise control. Both cars have downsides and upsides. I didn’t want to…
Don’t girls mostly buy VW’s?
New GT350 Shelby
Being the car guy that Freddy is, I’m sure that auto correct changed tiptronic to PDK.
Thanks Doug.... The itching has subsided for now... It will be back sooner than later...... Must get this British fix weekly....... We both know there is tons to write about....
We are 1.5 weeks past due on an Aston Martin update and we get an article about how to “justify” buying a Ferrari?! GTFO...... We want our usual C grade journalism, not D or F.... Community college was cheap I guess...
Dream car = Cayman GT4 with a VooDoo motor...
I agree.. ALWAYS funny.... Tom, go blow a goat.
Comment of the day ^^^^^^^^
Yeah, I’m seriously pissed. You promise us good shit, and give us an article about Scion? Doug, man... Don’t sit in the garage with the car running anymore.. It’s gonna kill those two brain cells.
Rebadging = faster!
For all the people that don’t suck at life they would choose the gt350. Everyone else would choose a hellpussy.
Ahhh.. This thread has turned into Porsche v.s. Fill in the blank...... Blah Blah Blah.. American muscle or you’r a commie! Get real guys. More than one way to skin a cat. I have had both a Cayman S and a Viper (gen 3) Both cars had aspects that I liked and didn’t like. Kinda like do you like big women or smaller…
I’m in Texas, and I do my own shit. (viper/porsche)
Doug, is this the best letter you got all week? Hell, I have some spare time. I can always wipe my ass and smear it on the wall while texting on my iPhone and still have enough processing power left in my brain to come up with a better question than that.. Oh, how’s the Aston?
Colonel Mustard in the kitchen with the candle stick!
BS industries? Hmmmmmmmmm......
Tell that to the dealers charging 30k+ over for the new gt350's and 50k over for the R version
Having an enthusiast car with little miles is like having a wife that’s great in bed, but you refuse to have sex with her, because you want her next husband to have all the fun..... What a shame.....