It only took 3 years and 9 months, but Melania finally found something to do.
It only took 3 years and 9 months, but Melania finally found something to do.
I’ve reached full apathy. At this point, I don’t care if they Press, Press, Press. I don’t care if they ask her if York or Sargent was the better Darrin, if Brawndo really is what plants crave, if this tie goes with this jacket... it doesn’t mean a gd thing. None of the 172 undecided voters remaining in this country ar…
It’s dark inside a turtle’s shell.
In 1998, Barrett co-wrote an article stating that recusal would be the appropriate course of action for a Catholic judge who felt that his or her religious beliefs were in conflict with upholding the law:
That her nomination is a foregone conclusion makes this all theater.
She talked about how her husband had Covid, and her 92-year-old father, who she thought might not survive, and she laid it out: because Donald Trump did nothing, and his incompetence made it worse.
“Comrades, do you know who is responsible for this? Do you know the enemy who has come in the night and overthrown our windmill? SNOWBALL Obama! Snowball Obama has done this thing! In sheer malignity, thinking to set back our plans and avenge himself for his ignominious expulsion, this traitor has crept here under…
Want to get really pissed off? The MOH comes with a few benefits: Rush and his family, so long as they accompany him, get to fly anywhere in the world for free. He gets a 10% pension bonus, a monthly stipend of about $1300, a burial plot in Arlington and... senior military officials, including the President, have to…
They know that we know that the reason they’re hiding it is because they knew; they knew he was positive and, at minimum, he attended a fundraiser where he sat with rich donors around a table, while being infected. And it will also reveal that he wasn’t being tested very often— certainly not every day like he claimed—…
What is “too long and all over the place” about an article that cites multiple sources claiming this woman had multiple affairs, all the while proclaiming herself to a champion for family values? Is hypocrisy a difficult concept for the religious? Because, if so, you know... there are tons of examples in their…
It’s funny that an administration pretending its President isn’t sick with a deadly virus is making jokes about bringing the dead back to life.
I’m Kamala Harris and the Biden campaign. I know that
Sessions is John Lithgow as Reverend Moore in Footloose. Except instead of small Western town, it’s the Deep South. And instead of teens dancing, it’s black people being allowed to live the way they want to live.
A quick glance at the conscience of a Jeff Sessions: on one shoulder sits the proud, Southern lawyer; steeped in tradition, bound by faith and a commitment to the principles of law. On the other shoulder, equally proud, equally committed and equally steeped in tradition, sits your basic Southern racist.
My most pessimistic fear is Trump takes Pennsylvania. I do think Biden flips MI, WI and AZ... but I worry like hell about PA. Reason: I’m a lifelong Pennsylvania resident. That leaves no room for error: Biden by 2.
I don’t want to preach morality, as I sit here wishing for a 4th Republican senator on the judiciary committee to test positive for Covid-19, but...
Oh, hey, I’m not even sure he doesn’t take Arizona. But I think the DNC knows the math, and the Obamas are a weapon to be used, in the right moment, and the target this election is women voters (in key states). So I love that Michelle Obama put this out, I hope it helps the cause, and makes it very, very difficult for…
Also, cue the insufferable face-on-Rushmore horseshit making its way into mainstream news feeds.
I will see your Sick Psycho Pretends to be Manly video, and raise you... 25 minutes of fresh Michelle Obama, her Closing Argument, calling out this moron for what he is:
“Opening comments, you first, Senator Harris.”