Far as I’m concerned, my man, you answered that question back when you asked, Buy both?
Far as I’m concerned, my man, you answered that question back when you asked, Buy both?
x1000. Just like every rock-n-roll band should a The _____
That makes a ton of sense. Thank you.
These people are now in an actual death cult where they’ve convinced themselves that poor, brown, incarcerated, and elderly people dying is a worthwhile sacrifice to make if it helps The Economy...
We’ll see how much of a death cult, when more suburban dwellers in their 50's start dropping.
I drove behind a Defender coming home tonight: 13 miles of dark road. Let me tell you how fucking much I hate the extra-bright, superfluous red lights on the rear bumper. They’re like a constantly depressed brake pedal. And ugly.
I just know— because it’s still the same loser franchise, and especially now that they’re keeping the color scheme— that it’s going to be one of those lame team names that doesn’t end in a “s”, and we are going to be told the new name signifies the fire and passion of its fanbase, or some shit. All my money is now on…
There’s nothing to say that hasn’t already been said, 1000x, about either of these two profiteers of hate. Instead, I’ll be capturing that top image of the two of them, printing in glossy and framing it, and giving it to my Trump-loving associate for his upcoming birthday with just a simple, thought of you when I saw…
Woke up this morning, my first thought of the day was, man, I hope EB doesn’t die.
They succumbed to big corporate daddy already, so might as well go all-out.
The D.C. Express, complete with purple and orange color scheme, and “hidden” arrow between the E and x.
I want the lawyer to name names. Then I want their faces and names everywhere, saying, these people who swore to uphold justice and protect the peace were supposedly so frightened for their well-being that they set aside a single bullet, as an option to avoid doing either. Make these chickenshits own their feebleness.
I’m just waiting for that day when Stone gets flattened by a steamroller, revealed as a toon, and meets his demise when Eddie pulls the trigger on the accordion-mallet, releasing the spray of dip.
Our family had planned to fly to DisneyWorld on 9/12/2001. Instead, we were able to rent a van and drove, spending three days and nights at Magic Kingdom, beginning on 9/13. No lines, at all. Also, eerie af.
By early June, Trump and Fauci had largely stopped in-person engagements. Fauci — who has advised every president since Ronald Reagan — told the Financial Times this week that he last saw Trump on June 2 at the White House, and hasn’t personally briefed him in at least two months.
x1000. They’re too dumb to see that by pretending to be like him, they’re being wholly submissive to his dominance.
Here’s the thing: remember this story. Because, at some point in time in the possibly very near future, you are going to be minding your own damned business when somebody you know or work with is going to have their ‘tic rage going and make that oft-repeated talking point that nobody without insurance is getting…
You definitely had older siblings. Brother(s), I’m guessing.
It just means you’re at least 53, and have good taste.
on her journey as the personal dynamics and effects of being away from home become more and more complex”—her character is expected to leave her husband, played by Josh Charles, and daughter, played by Talitha Bateman, behind during her three-year mission.
No, no. See, Fred wanted Jr. to be an actual killer. Donnie was always the rapist.
This is why public school teachers made us read Orwell.