Nevertheless, if we’re talking hard seltz...
Nevertheless, if we’re talking hard seltz...
Will one of the Jalopniks around the office please explain to Ms. Fishbein why “gunk” just doesn’t work? Thank you.
I have this cynical little itch about the woman in the green dress in the main photo. I think she maybe works for the Catholic charity, and she’s got a big, pearly white South Texas smile she’s showing to that little girl... one that says, don’t worry sweetie, everything is going to be just fine. When she knows…
No, it’s just that if you made the argument that LSD goes better with some music than with others, you wouldn’t be wrong. And if you ever tripped during a Dead show, you might make that argument.
He is frying his noodle trying to convince African Americans that they are better off under him than they were under the nation’s first black president. Naturally, he’s taking credit for others’ work... and the facts bare that out:
A white supremicist gunned down a couple brown children yesterday, including a 6-year-old who was playing in a bouncy house with his mother. This, after a week that the president spent deliberately attacking POC, and rallying his most ardent, racist supporters.
Lying to Federal prosecutors who you tried to have you fired to avoid exposing a cover-up might seem a worse horror than pussy-grabbing to those rural counties who decided the 2016 election, you never know.
Karen Bass: “Your investigation found substantial evidence that the President ordered Don McGahn to fire you, is that correct?”
Trump loves Alabama. Alabama loves Trump. The 7th District of Maryland? Not so much of either.
By every measure of livability— education, median income, home values, blue:white collar jobs, access to good healthcare— the 7th District puts the state of Alabama to shame.
Alabama: 68% White
7th District: 59% Black
So, it’s…
Most of them are lawyers (Marciño included), a great number of them Ivy League. They have been formally trained in critical thinking, inference and deduction, truths and falsities, by the highest levels of academia the world has to offer. Religion to them, personally, is more about tradition than salvation. But from a…
It was only the next day when I realized that, holy shit, that was the dreaded Nick Martin.
I mean, we’ve got penguins slapping other penguins in the back of the head... what’s not to love, here?
But when I typed in “Michael” to tag this post, Bennett’s name doesn’t even crack the top-four suggested Michaels.
Imagine a world where Julie Bandana called bullshit every time Cheato Wussulini questioned other news outlets’ reporting, and not just her own network. Better still, imagine if no news outlet let his lies go unchallenged, ever. That would smell like... democracy.
What Joe Biden is doing is sick. His entire healthcare message is an implicit threat—that if you’re not currently in thousands of dollars of medical debt or dying of a preventable disease because you couldn’t go to the doctor, things can only get worse for you if we take the risk of transitioning to Medicare for All.
Holy flatbread.
It’s like if the server at Ruby Tuesday had corrected my completely naive, 74-year-old, church-going mother. Except Mom’s just recently watched The Scarlet Pimpernel and gets asked by the WSJ to write a column about the encounter.
“Whoever claims to love God yet hates a brother or sister is a liar. For whoever does not love their brother and sister, whom they have seen, cannot love God, whom they have not seen.” - John 4:20
You know, nobody would have ever noticed if they’d just given that eagle one head instead of two. Republicans can’t read Latin and sure as shit they believe the golf clubs and cash were the original design.