
+1 for that one!

LMAO ok good.

Ok really take a look at the number of ditchings and the size of the aircraft and the number of people that died. He landed one of the largest aircrafts ever to even make an attempt to make a water landing and everyone servived.

a Cessna 172 only has 1 engine..... they had to glide in to land.

wait your saying they train to land a plane on water? No.... no time is spend landing a plane on water. Really its kinda a big deal! And even if with all this training, you can't say that he is not a hero. Think of all the time training does not kick in and people die. I.E. Air France 447

hey my Otter Box has saved my phone from drops, dog bites, babeys, spills and even flour. Yes flour.... don't ask. The big ones are the spills, the case wraps around the back of the phone so the what ever is spilled on in does not get into the phone. yeah it cost me 20$ but at lest my phone does not have cracks and

Just don't Coronal Mass Ejection in my eye!

Black Mesa, that is all.

why not a Tesla, that way may be chevy can keep their cars from looking like shit.

they mark them off as a restricted area.... still may have some idiot hit them from time to time but still good stuff.

Also Boeing does the avionics on the 22, its a joint Lockheed Boeing aircraft.

Yeah it will be a dark day indeed, but I think having them helps reduce the need for them. kinda that mutual self destruction thing.

You’re assuming that nothing is going to change, that it’s all going to be ok. We don’t know what’s going to happen in the years to come. All I am saying is its better to be on the cutting edge then let other countries take the lead. That does not mean spend trillions on aircraft but it does mean spend a billion to

Yeah and they are not going to replace it any time soon. We just need to stay on the cutting edge. Thats what the 22 does. keep a wing or 2 flight ready and your good .

Yeah but with the globalized economy falling apart then what? And who knows what happens 5 or 10 or 15 years from. Again you hope for the best but you better plan for the worst. I am not saying we need to replace every air craft but we need some. Falling behind will do far more harm.

Ok you may want to try reading up on this tuff a bit before you talk about it.

So what happens when Russia or China sells Iraw, Afghanistan, or any one else that does not like us? Just cause we may not go to war with the people who made them does not mean we are not going to fight them. Hell i'm sure China would love to GIVE North Korea a few of them.

Yeah but how is the Ucav going to drop bombs if the enemy can shoot them down before they even get off the ground? You need an air superiority fighter, like the F-22. You must own the sky to win a war. And yes the "NEW" wars are not the same. We aren’t fighting a cutting edge air war. But that does not mean if 5

So wait your saying the F-15 Avionics match the F-22? Also the airframes are still 40 years old. Plus the F-22 is a stealth aircraft, it does not need to out climb a missile. ;)

The f-15 is a 4 gen fighter. Its outdated and not just the avionics but the airframe too. pluse Russia, China, Japan, South Korea, Turkey and Pakistan all have/working on 5th gens.