
WOW just WOW... "There's not much Google loves more than playing in other people's sandboxes. Like a Walmart built entirely of zeros and ones, once the behemoth moves into your town, you're officially f*cked." You got to be kidding me. You are saying that Google is not only giving services for free and innovating but

just have to say YEAH.... starting to get Nasa back on track after the last cut.

No love for the FGM-148?

This just in. Apple to move away from just electronics patents and to word patents. First word Apple will patent is "patent" in hope that no one will be able to sue them for use of other patents. Crap now I owe Apple like 10mil for just this one little crap joke.

yeah I agree look at what Steam has done with that. They have started to give away in game stuff just for preorders. And you know they have to give something up to the production company for that.

WOOT FOR HTC. So hope they can put apple in its place. Really sick of all the damn sueing, its like middle school. "You looked at me funny and my dad is a lawyer and I'm going to sue you. "

no kidding.... may want to change that giz.

true... did not think of that. well hell lets go back to burning ants. LOL

you know its bad ass when "I'm not even sure if I can in good conscience tell you to buy this. I'm terrified of it. My roommate made me put it away. I slept anxiously knowing it was in my apartment. It's a giant, metal, $1,000 liability. But the mere idea of it is so stupendous, so insane, bizarre, and

"is beautiful, almost outworldly." I would say so. When I saw the thubmnail I thought it was a graphic of some planet or moon. Very nice shot.

If the bus drivers look like her then forget flying.... DAMN!

Does hell yes count? But can we get it to run android? I would rather have force close then a big blue mirror.

yeah I agree, I love them just hope they float.

I have t-mobile and I have to say I am glad they are stopping this. Only problem is will T-Mobile be able to continue to compeate with VZ, AT&T and Sprint.

"The one problem with using the Shuttle for crew transfers is that you still need a seat on a docked Soyuz for that astronaut to use as an escape craft if needed."

Very good information! However I don't personally trust the Soyuz (commercial) systems as much as a US. Not cause of crashes or something like that, but I believe they are more in it for the money then the science.

Long video but really nice stuff.... I have always wanted to just sit in on one some crazy film fest things.

how about just use Chrome. ;)

LOL already have the 2nd to last and 3rd to last. Good picks lh.