
This 100%.

fuck yeah! This is the shit! We think we know all this stuff about our world and science and shit but we're so young and science is so young and clouded by a bunch of antiquated patriarchy bull shit!!!

Holy shit that is fucked up. C'mon Canada, this is fucked up, even for you.

this woman is a hero

This is terrifying! These threats should be seriously investigated and responded to.

Truth! Plus that makes me think about men who exploit their physical attributes and get paid millions and are heralded as role models and heroes.....cough cough NFL/NBA. At least women working in porn probably get paid more than women working in the WNBA.

This show is rad. My mom got me into it. At first i was like "another crime drama where women have no agency other than to be raped & murdered" no thanks ma. But Stella saves it completely. When she tells that other detective that maleness is like a kind of birth defect. I was like oooooooohhhhhh!!!!! Gillian Anderson

i honestly don't understand why straight people hate gay people.

haha Time! You are so out of touch!

hah that's awesome. 14 year old 4chan boyz are scared of the word Feminism!!!!! Yasssssss

Nancy Baryo is evil. She's passed a number of bat-shit insane anti-choice laws in AZ. And brought even more up to vote that our state gov actually thought was too insane for AZ (if u can believe it). Debbie Lesko is another anti-choice AZ polit intent on pushing a crazy christian agenda on the people of AZ. The


Equality and freedom only apply to a very select group of people in the US. The USA is a very scary, backwards place. And I say this as someone born and raised here. You think we're shitty to the rest of the world? Imagine how we treat each other within our own country.

Because in the USA women are lying slutty slut sluts who don't deserve things like rights or freedoms or respect. They deserve to be murdered if they reject a man and they are only here to validate and sexually please every man who desires them.

ugh why did I decide to read this while eating my evening ice cream? Twinsest? Barrrrfffff

sexy AND badass, naturally

I've always wanted my mother's last name. Mostly because she is full Sicilian and I look exactly like her and her last name is beautiful sounding. Also because I've always associated with being Italian and really love that side of my family and their culture. My father is Scottish/Irish/English/Polish so I have his

She could have also had a concussion/brain injury and was confused and wandering around. Sounds like she was disoriented at the shooter's house.

One time my dog woke me up at like 3am. She was barking like crazy and when I let her out of my room she ran down the stairs to the front door and I heard someone banging on my front door. They were very loud and they were yelling. I went down to the front door and yelled "what do you want?" but the man didn't answer