Chris Parrish

You don’t get bonus XP for it. You get XP based on if you are in a group with friends (+20%), Match finish (250), Time (4.01xp per second), Win (500), Highest medal awarded (Gold 150/Silver 100/Bronze 50), First win of the day (1500 in quick game), Consequtive games (200) and Back fill (250)

This is there is a piece of vital information omitted from the article regarding the oh so honest person who says he was banned without cheating..... here it is, he cheated he used d3d11 wall hack in the beta so this “honest” person who didn’t cheat cheated in the game in beta and has been banned for it, which is fair

In the rhinhardt section you have this line

also when you attack bastion attack him from behind and aim for the power core (the blue thing) as he takes 300% more damage when you hit him there

The world drop mounts won’t have there drop chance reduced no other world drop mount that has 100% drop chance has had it reduced. TLPD is still 100% drop rate and that was WOTLK

This server might be “legacy wow” but there are others that are WoD servers. If they don’t enforce it for one it leaves them unable to enforce it for others.

I believe latter ones are sign of protest against blizzard shutting down that vanilla server. and rightfully so.

If they actually made the game use mult-threads it wouldn’t be anywhere near as bad but on PC it is a single thread game. If they want to limit a game to what hardware it can actually use on a PC then they should limit what the game can do.

also see this more recent one https://www.reddit.com/r/prisonarchit… 400-600 pop is where the slow down starts for other people, but i’m sure you’ll still say it’s my own system that’s the problem rather than shit code

It’s not a system hardware thing. Every single person experiences it at the same point.

Yea well when they throw in things like get 1000 inmates as achivments it means to get to that point you have to try and play an unplayable game. The same data exists for all items and all staff and the X and Y positions are being updated constantly.

Well I know for a fact that when you clear out the text file which is the save file of certain data the game speed returns to that of a new game and then eventually slows down again once things build up.
When you get over a certain size of prison the fastest game speed runs slower than the slowest speed of a small

Having AI’s on screen isn’t the issue at all you can sit in a point with only grass on screen and have it run slow as balls.

This is the PVP multiplayer

Blizzard said from the offset seasons were NOT coming to console. Then they said they might re-look at it, they looked at it and said “nope not happening”. Console isn’t played on servers so you can hack items using save game editors and other means which gives a massive edge, which then means leaderboards are

It’s better than AC1 probably (but i wasn’t a fan of the first game) around the same as AC2 although the story is way better in AC2 and it’s better than all the others after that point in my opinion.

It’s better than Unity but not as good as Black Flag. My personal opinion is if you liked Black Flag you’ll like Syndicate

I felt like a dick for knocking him in the first time, after that I was like fuck it, if he’s going to keep standing there it’s his own fault.

Is the flying saucer always there or does it just randomly appear?

There are Fallout games AFTER 1, 2 and Tactics? LIES!!