Yea but this is the issue, Bethesda is given a pass and then WB isn’t, it’s a massive double standard. The fact that one company is given a pass just lets other companies think they can get away with it as well.
Yea but this is the issue, Bethesda is given a pass and then WB isn’t, it’s a massive double standard. The fact that one company is given a pass just lets other companies think they can get away with it as well.
Is it really becoming an acceptable thing for developers to release a game with bugs like this?
Is this a US thing only?
Well then Fallout 4 is out Monday, as you can pro-load it.
Starcraft 2 is out Tuesday not Monday
No, they don’t. Please provide a source for this. Blizzard has it’s own cinematic department that does all of there cinematics for in game.
I know which studios are involved in it, the orcs just don’t look good, Stormwind looks nice other environments look good, the orcs I just don’t like the look of. Some of the Orcs look OK but some just look phoned in.
I’m hoping that come the final movie that the CGI looks better but yea part of me doesn’t want to hold my breathe.
I cannot find any proof I can find a video that they have uploaded which says “Get even more psyched for Diablo III with this gorgeous new cinematic commercial. Created by the great folks over at Blizzard!” In the description, note the words “by the great fols at blizzard”
Yea but if they outsource it it will be terrible, the 90% of the orcs in the Warcraft trailer say hi.
I sense full on animated cartoon’s coming not just the shorts that they have planned along with a full animated movie.
But nothing’s [officially in the works right now] already has the collectors edition priced at £99.99 marked as sold out. It’s either actually sold out or they don’t know how much stock they are getting, xbox and ps4 still have collectors editions listed for pre-order.
Jesus... spends 5 minutes slagging off kickstarter then asks people to go to kickstarter and donate to a project that he’s involved in.
I think I even say somewhere I have not played unity and plan to pick it up at some point down the line.
There’s speculation that she’s half orc AND half human but the human side is half drenei and half near-human as humans’ didn’t exists on Dreanor. So it would in fact make her Half orc and 1/4 human and 1/4 drenei
yea but the R2+O to drop down from a ledge you are running past sucks balls as espically when you consider the 6 games previous Rs+X had you covered for everything
It doesn’t come across to me like that is all i’m saying, when you think about it what they are doing is kind of smart. Most media outlets don’t sit down and say “We will have reviews for X game on Monday at this time” Bethesda are just trying to get the media outlets to tell people when they are going to start…
Note the web address :)
It ridiculous but also I can see the reason behind it. What is every media outlet going to do tomorrow at 10am PST? They are going to be publishing Fallout 4 stories, then what happens an hour later? Blizzcon starts which is going to dominate the news for the weekend. What Bethesda have effectively done is got media…