I think you have picked up his words kind of wrong
I think you have picked up his words kind of wrong
The AI is still kind of terrible when you have been in game for a prolonged period of time, after several hours of building a rather large prison the workmen just walked so far, dropped the items that were carrying on the floor and then ran around in a circle the only way to stop them doing this was to close the game…
I’ve played every patch since the game was released. To try and say there is no issue since the expansion is quite laughable in all honesty considering the lag issues with 2.3 and the fact that they are doing a special PTR to try and fix the lag.
Also maintenance doesn’t just kick you off, you get a 15 minute warning, a 10 minute warning, and 5 minute warning and then a warning every minute till 1 minute till shutdown, then you get a 45 second warning and then a 30 second countdown
Monday night around between 11pm and midnight actually when you look at his actual twitter feed
No, it’s got nothing to do with scheduled maintenance. Servers have been bad since release doesn’t matter is maintenance is due or has just finished or happend 24 hours before. Go play the game you would realise and then not come out with stupid things like that.
it’s safe to assume it was something fishy going on with the game and its servers.
Metal genre’s are very weird in all honesty when it comes to classifying bands, it’s not only the sound of the band that gets taken into account but also the lyrical content.
I’d guess the patch will drop October 13th (14th for EU) as that will be 4 weeks before LoV actually releases, that’s the standard Blizzard way
Doesn’t matter how amazing something is, if you can build up more of a buzz about it in some way then they will do and the old saying of any publicity is good publicity still stands to this day.
Maybe the whole idea from the offset was to cancel the bullshit plan that they initial show cased to drum up more media attention.
That’s how they teach you to drive it’s not how anyone actually drives
Does the clutch actually block the gear stick as that would make quite a bit of difference in comparison to actually driving a real manual car vs a racing sim.
99% of the chip and pin terminals have a swipe slot as well and the cashiers can over-ride the “pin” part of it so that you can sign, they don’t like doing it but it is still possible for them to
Pretty much, the winning purse isn’t split to the team, the company that owns the team gets the money. To the guys playing the game, this is a job to them, just like someone working in any 9-5 job. these guys will get a basic salary and then a bonus if they win a tournament.
well that’s annoying, click on the leaderboard and it doesn’t take you to the seasonal character that it’s talking about, GG blizzard.
so it’s got nothing to do with the fact that rifts have been adjusted for 2.3 and all bosses have had their HP halved and the progress has been adjusted. It in turns makes rifts easier meaning people can get higher it’s not all down to power creep.
The high torment isn’t really what does it, well it is but it isn’t, it’s only a part of the whole picture. It’s mainly down to XP gear and greater rifts. XP gear in 99% of all situations is addative so 1600% +27% xp on gear is 1627% xp, but in greater rifts it’s multiplicative so that 27% on gear makes the 1600% go…
Well considering season 4 was released on Friday and this was done on Sunday it’s still pretty impressive add to this they only at paragon 500, they are also the ONLY people that have done it on HC in the EU and did it around 5 hours after the first SC group did it.
Is this guys nose on his neck? Because I hate to break it to you, his finger doesn’t go near his nose and it’s pretty clear he scratches under his chin so unless “boogers” have changed the place that they come from since I was a child it can’t be a “booger”